I have had 3 different electrons that have stopped communicating with the particle cloud in the last month, all happen right around midnight. I am using a 15 minute SLEEP_MODE_DEEP on two of them, and on the 3rd was experimenting with a 10 minute sleep using SLEEP_MODE_DEEP with SLEEP_NETWORK_STANDBY. They all had different versions of deviceOS as well, anywhere from 0.7.0 on one, to 1.0.1 and 1.2.1-rc2 on the others. The device with 0.7.0 was up for 2 months just fine, and then it froze the day before one of the other ones froze - very strange coincidence. The two newer deviceOS units typically go about a week before they freeze. Given how infrequent it happens, it’s very hard to know how to troubleshoot. Not to mention the devices are sitting out in the middle of a field. To get them back online I have to disconnect the solar and unplug the battery. They then come right back online with a minute or two.
My code has no time related activity such as doing something special at midnight that might be the culprit. All in all, my code is pretty simple. Using default automatic mode without system thread - boot/wake up, talk to a number of i2c/serial/analog sensors, publish a few events to the cloud and then sleep in a loop.
Not sure what to do from here from a troubleshooting perspective. These things are solar powered and out in a field. Any troubleshooting advice that would hopefully leading to tracking down the problem as quick as possible since it takes so long for the issue to surface? I am supposed to be rolling out a dozen or two of these in the next month and will have to put that on hold since I can’t risk them locking up in the field (literally).