I’m am getting an SOS when I put my electron to sleep while connected to the cloud. I can find reference to the flash code 1 through 12. Anyone know what lucky 13 flashes signifies?
I get no error when going to sleep and never having connected to the cloud.
I believe it is a stack overflow. There are many ways to get this error I believe but, I often see it when an over the air update fails. I often clear this by refreshing the device using DFU mode.
Found the error and fixed. Turns out I cannot call the sleep function from a timer. Moving the sleep function to the main loop solved the error.
I’m guessing that executing the sleep function from the timer causes issues in FreeRTOS. For now, I will just let the main loop be the state machine. Eventually, I really would prefer to get all the code out of the main loop and run everything off individual timers asynchronously.