Hi, fist time posting so let me know if anything info is missing.
I’ve got a pair of electrons running remote data collection, physically side by side, with the below reporting code being called about every minute in the main loop (some other code generates those strings but for simplicity…). Whenever I test it the console its getting all the data and I’m logging it on thingspeak, no problems. But over long time periods, say a couple days, I’ll find random blocks of missing data, sometimes minutes, sometimes hours, also seemingly random is which of the 2 electrons drop out.
Is there anything I can do to make the data collection more reliable?
void reportSystemStatusOnline() {
std::string name = “”;
std::string data = “”;
data += 1,42.69,9.94,-386.00,41.94,5.59,77.10;
Particle.publish(name.c_str(), data.c_str(), 60, PRIVATE);