About Time.zone() you have to be aware of possible daylight safing time, which might explain your 1h difference.
UTC (the Coordinated Universal Time) does not take care of that, so your local time might have different offsets with/without DST.
Hence the docs state
For an alarm clock, you might also like to look into the TimeAlarms library available on Web IDE (Particle Build)
To expand on what @ScruffR already said – in general, you will find what you want in the Reference section of the docs. And if you aren’t sure which category something might be under, searching will usually get you where you need to go.
Also, we’re in Daylight Savings Time right now, which is why the timezone offset is -4 instead of -5. Because, we’re in EDT, not EST right now. For a few more days, at least.
Thanks gentlemen! This is precisely what I was looking for but couldn’t find!!
One last Q - I see TimeAlarms() are a library in the build.io and not under documentation - are there any explanation on the libary’s use beside the example?