I was testing some code today and saw that a delay of 10s in loop was causing
spark serial monitor
to drop out of the serial connection. The rest of my code was working correctly.
Is this expected? Is this related to the spark cli or the core itself?
Hey @francisdb, it probably shouldn’t time-out but i cannot remember if it was built in.
Try something like Putty and Coolterm instead and see what happens? 
Hey @francisdb,
finally had time to sit down and code 
So i don’t see a time-out of 10 seconds like you mentioned and i tested with 20s as well…
Opening serial monitor for com port: "/dev/cu.usbmodem1411"
Hello, I am trying to make this work with my spark under Mavericks and I receive the data in the serial monitor, but when I change the variable #define DEBUG_SERIAL to true, i got this message under the terminal Opening serial monitor for com port: “/dev/cu.usbmodem1411” and got stuck, any idea of what can I do? Thank you!