Difficulty with adding library - Adafruit_Seesaw


It worked but it now is finding the ARDUINO issue in other files: seesaw_neopixel.h

Anyway, the update process is straightforward and this issue is not preventing me from flashing or using the code.



@chipmc, can you double check that you are targeting 0.9.0?

There should be some (partial) fix to the issues above


Yes, I am targeting 0.9.0 and am still getting a few “problems” but, again still working.


Have been engaging @m_m in Slack so this short list is a significant improvement.



Are these IntelliSense messages or actual build warnings?
If IntelliSense @m_m will keep scratching his head a bit more as that seems to be a rather picky feature to get right :wink:

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I am not sure how to tell the difference. I know there is some bug that @m_m identified an opened a ticket with the VSCode folks on.

Thanks, Chip

@chipmc and i spent some time poking at this yesterday - the “Problems” panel will show both intellisense and build warnings / errors via what VSCode calls “problem matchers”. in this case, i’m not able to repro exactly what he’s seeing (on mac or windows 10) but it looks like an intellisense issue since they are errors yet he’s able to compile & flash. that said, when the “problems” appear would tell us definitively - if after compiling, they’re build “problems”, if before intellisense.

one thing to try: run the C/C++ Reset Intellisense Database command (View > Command Palette > type “reset database” and pick the command from the list).

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@m_m, Thanks for continuing to look into this. I reset the database - and am now down to one - bogus - problem. The good news is that, when I click on this item, I no longer get that “problem exists in a file that is non-existent” message.

Partial fix?


Partial fix?

:thinking: probably just more evidence of some underlying bug unfortunately.

are you seeing any green / red squiggles in your .ino source file? if so, where? if not, are you able to right-click on the .h file portion of #include "Adafruit_seesaw.h" line, select "Peek Definition", and see the appropriate source reference?

another thing worth looking at is the C++ extension's log output - add "C_Cpp.loggingLevel": "Debug", to your ./.vscode/settings.json file (or open File > Preferences > Settings and then type "logging level" and select "Debug" from the options list for the "C_Cpp: Logging Level" option).

that'll produce a fairly verbose log so it'll probably be easier to ping me via slack and we can poke at it together (plus, i'm getting off-topic here).

thanks again for the reports :+1:


Yes, the Adafruit_BME680.h is underlined with red squiggles. When I peek, I do see the correct file.

I will look for you on Slack to send the log file.

Thanks again, Chip

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@ScruffR it would seem that they are related, yes. I’ll ping the team and get their thoughts. Thanks for raising it.

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