/* — there was a pullup in my shematics —
It seems that during flashing new code the A4 pin is activly driven high for some time.
External hardware on this pin can cause damage to the core and the external hardware.
Pins should be inputs until other actions during user code.
It is happing during reset too.
Pin D7 is driven HIGH during flashing which can be seen on the small blue led,
but not during reset.
Any idea why / where this happens?
Does it belong to other pins too?
When I flash new code, during the flashing procedure the led on D7 is flashing.
So it seems that something alters the pin during flashing, that could cause
connected hardware problems.
@bko and @kennethlimcp, I have to back @miky in this.
My Cores do something similar. The D7 LED comes on (dimmly) during flashing, as if it was powered via the internal pull-up - even without any ext circuitry attached. It could also be quick on/off duty cycle, but I doubt that and will have a look with my osc. Edit: Checked it and it’s definetly a constand signal of about 2.3V during the rapid magenta blinking (actual flash write) phase
This is not new for me - I got this right from the beginning, so I assumed it to be normal and I’m surprised that others don’t see it
Knowing this behaviour I always avoided using D7 with any circuitry that couldn’t cope with that - just the same as with the “start-up low” problem on all the D pins.
To set DFU_Util mode you press reset and hold the mode button down for the required period of time. The boot loader is started by the reset and monitors the mode button, and places the spark core as responsive to DFU_Util commands. I’m pretty sure the boot loader does nothing with GPIO pins, as pin mapping is done later in the hardware initialization in the spark firmware.
The following in an extract from RM0008, the technical reference for the STM32F1XX.
**8.1.1 General-purpose I/O (GPIO)**
During and just after reset, the alternate functions are not active and the I/O ports are configured in Input Floating mode (CNFx[1:0]=01b, MODEx[1:0]=00b).
The JTAG pins are in input PU/PD after reset:
PA15: JTDI in PU
PA14: JTCK in PD
PA13: JTMS in PU
When configured as output, the value written to the Output Data register (GPIOx_ODR) is output on the I/O pin. It is possible to use the output driver in Push-Pull mode or Open-Drain mode (only the N-MOS is activated when outputting 0).
The Input Data register (GPIOx_IDR) captures the data present on the I/O pin at every APB2 clock cycle.
All GPIO pins have an internal weak pull-up and weak pull-down which can be activated or not when configured as input.
D7 is PA13/JTMS so it will have an internal pull-up applied until the spark firmware runs and performs its hardware initialization. I’ve noticed in the past that when using the JTAG shield and STLink, the D7 Led is always doing something (which is should being JTMS). To use JTAG you have to set/change a #define in the firmware to prevent hardware initialization from remapping the JTAG pins as GPIO.
This explains a constant signal on D7 while flashing with DFU_Util. It will stay on until DFU_Util completes and the boot loader gives control to the spark firmware. I have no idea what would cause it to flash if that is happening, which now doesn’t appear to be the case anymore.
You cannot take a core from running an application to DFU without pressing reset or turning power on/off. As DFU is an optional state between reset/powerup and the execution of the spark firmware, you would have to change the boot loader to initialize the pins. You are definitely size constrained there, and I don’t know what that would do to people (like myself) who expect JTAG pins to be JTAG pins and use the STLink utility or a debugger to load the application.
Even if you did do this in the boot loader, the reset state of the JTAG pins would exist from reset until the boot loader code run, even if only for a few microseconds. Even this short periods would be enough to affect attached electronics that expected different.
In the I/O expansion board I made for the CC3200 Launchpad, I didn’t bring the JTAG pins out as GPIO (they are still on the Launchpad itself for debugging). Nor are the I2C or SPI standard pins available as GPIO (they have their own connections). This simplifies/eliminates having this issue.