Almost there, I think.
After the amout of effort you already put into this, I’d like to suggest these adaptions
At this point I haven’t tested them myself, but just from experience this should work - and I’ll test it soon and correct if required
Edit: This is now working code, but in my tests I’ve got the impression, all that interrupt/timer effort is not needed anyhow, since Spark.connect()
doesn’t seem to block anymore (despite still being stated to be and as I remember it to have been)
@mdma, has anything been changed “recently” that hasn’t found its way into the docs? Or am I imagining things?
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Spark IDE.
#include "SparkIntervalTimer/SparkIntervalTimer.h"
// Create IntervalTimer object
IntervalTimer myTimer;
// Pre-define ISR callback functions
void checkWifi(void);
volatile uint8_t isrTriggered = 0;
const unsigned long CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 30000;
unsigned long lastMillis; // it's always good to have this for non-blocking delays
void setup(void) {
pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(D7,HIGH); // blink D7 fast once before timer activated
// this would only wait 20ms since uSec is micro seconds
// myTimer.begin(checkWifi, 20000, uSec); // check for wifi and shutdown if no connection after 20 seconds
// the other time scale is half-milliseconds (hence 2*)
myTimer.begin(checkWifi, 2 * CONNECT_TIMEOUT, hmSec);
lastMillis = millis(); // store soft-delay reference time
// try to connect
isrTriggered = 0;
if (!isrTriggered)
{ // only wait if connection attempt succeeded
myTimer.end(); // don't disconnect prematurely
while ((millis() - lastMillis) < CONNECT_TIMEOUT)
digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);
delay(50); // flash LED about 10Hz
digitalWrite(D7, LOW);
delay(50); // flash LED about 10Hz
Spark.disconnect(); // missed your chance for OTA flashing
}; // deactivate WiFi in any case
// no need to re-check inside loop() now
void loop()
digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);
delay(500); // flash LED about 10Hz
digitalWrite(D7, LOW);
delay(500); // flash LED about 10Hz
void checkWifi(void)
isrTriggered = 1;
Spark.disconnect(); // no more required inside ISR
Edit: Fixed some build error - Spark.connect() does not return any success/fail indicatior