@aboudou where are you located and what is your internet bandwidth? I am guessing this is due to latency to the Cloud; we have some fixes in the works that should improve the robustness of this connection
Thanks @aboudou - hopefully this issue will be resolved through improvements we make over the next couple of weeks; if it isn’t resolved in three weeks, will you let us know?
I don’t know if Sprint 4 should have fixed this bug, but it seems it’s not the case. I still suffer Spark Cloud connection issues after deep sleep. You can see it here : http://scbattest.herokuapp.com/ (first connection at 07:51 p.m GMT; last successful connection 20 minutes later).
I’ve made a factory reset to be sure to get last firmware version, but no changes.
Hi @aboudou - I think the issues you’re seeing may relate to problems in the TCP library rather than in the Spark Cloud connectivity. There are a few other threads relating to TCP issues that we’re working through, but there were no fixes applied here during Sprint 4.