Control requests via USB

Hi, what is the underlying mechanism in the control requests?

Is there a demo app based on the nodejs app mentioned in the docs here?

Are these commands (or some of them) part of Particle CLI by any chance?

I’m interested in settings things like internal/external SIM via USB, for example.

The Particle CLI doesn’t know how to send control requests, but it would be useful if it did.

The best reference is the particle-usb library. It’s a Javascript library that works both in node.js and in the browser.

The Web Device Doctor and new web-based setup both use control requests to communicate with the device using WebUSB and the particle-usb library.

For setActiveSim, there actually is a control request for it, but particle-usb does not implement it. It’s possible to generate the protobufs structures by hand, but kind of a pain. The docs does this for a few special cases.

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