Hello guys.
just started to learn particle-api-js and im sorry if this have been asked before but i could not find anything about it.
I guess i am doing something wrong with credentials.
I tested this function.
//Get all events
particle.getEventStream({ auth: token}).then(function(stream) {
stream.on('event', function(data) {
console.log("Event: " + data);
This get my console to go nut with events from all kind of coreid’s out there.
Makes me wonder how the access_token works.
I thought when i had that one it would only show the devices that i have claimed to my accounts but i guess not.
So my question would be what data i need to use to only get events from devices that is claimed by my account as the cloud do?
Here is my full code
var Particle = require('particle-api-js');
var particle = new Particle();
var token;
particle.login({username: '', password: ''}).then(
console.log('API call completed on promise resolve: ', data.body.access_token);
token = data.body.access_token;
console.log('token data: ', token);
var devicesPr = particle.listDevices({ auth: token });
console.log('Devices: ', devices);
function(err) {
console.log('List devices call failed: ', err);
//Get device events
particle.getEventStream({ auth: token }).then(function(stream) {
stream.on('event', function(data) {
console.log("Event: " + data.coreid);
function(err) {
console.log('API call completed on promise fail: ', err);