Connectivity Issue with multiple photon 2s

I've seen similar-ish wifi connectivity issues on 5.8.0-6.2.0. Though it seems as if it may be a little better on 6.2.0, I still see frequent disconnects. In the past 6 days I've seen 233 cloud re connections (at least going off of spark/status: online).

count                   233
mean     		00:30:00.09
std      		01:09:54.17
min         	00:00:00.07
25%         	00:02:48.39
50%         	00:07:46.06
75%         	00:21:33.81
max         	08:24:43.12

For the cloud of spark/device/diagnostics/update


Do you see the same disconnect error in the console/log? I don't mean to hijack the thread but think your issue is similar to mine.