We just got our 2 Spark Core boards, (Black silk screen) and doing a project that we are having some results we did not except. We currently have many regular Arduino WiFi boards, which are setup as TCP Clients and send sensor data to a server device via a REST protocol on the same network.
We have successfully coded the Core to read our sensors and via Spark variables, we can read variable data. We can monitor our Core with the Arduino IDE serial monitor to debug and can connect to the Spark cloud.
We coded the Core with TCPclient code to communicate REST, to our server, but keep getting a “connection failed” message via serial, we coded on a connection failure. We never get a successful “client.connect”. We spent several days trying to understand why coding, similar to the TCPclient example, was not working on the Core talking to our other internal server.
I ran into this forum post about PING, https://community.spark.io/t/how-to-ping-or-get-mac-address-to-check-if-alive/3478/15, and thought I would try pinging our internal server.
So we setup pinging, Google, our internal server, two other ArduinoWiFi boards, the WiFi Router and a failed IP address.
The results shows the Google pings, the WiFi Router pings, but the internal server and Arduino do not Ping, on the same network!
Google: 5
Server: 0
WiredUNO: 0
SensorUNO: 0
WiFi Router: 5
Failed…: 0
So I tried to ping from my PC the same devices and Google above. All ping correctly!
I then used Network.localIP(), to see what the network settings looked like on the Core, looks OK.
So I then tried to Ping the Core @ from the PC, and the Core did not Ping!?!
So from what I can gather, the Core cannot see another device on the same network, except the Router, and the Core does not respond to Ping either. It looks like for whatever reason, the Core will not reach the internal server on the same network with our TCPclient code.
We are unclear why the Core cannot see other devices/server on the same network and cannot be pinged itself. What are we missing?
Your help with this matter is greatly appreciated. Mark