Connect photon to different station in Wifi Network over Router without Internet?

You don’t know what the rate-determining step in your system is right now. I was just proposing that you do an experiment to find out.

It sure doesn’t sound like the slow link will be anything but the Photon, but you can’t tell until you measure it in some way.

@rickkas7, I am not looking for more then 800Kbytes/sec. I apologise if my last post is showing wrong impression. I am getting 2Mbps right now and looking to improve till you got in your experiments. Please suggest me how to improve it .

I agree that the Photon is great device. It has lot of features and prompt support. I like to work on photon and would like to continue for future projects / products.

@bko, I saw people use iperf to measure the bandwidth of the WiFi medium. I will try to use that and take further steps. Thanks for your suggestions.

Kind Regards,

@bko, I tried iperf between 2 laptops and got ~45 Mbps wifi speed. So looks like there is no problem with WiFi link.

I am looking for some help to increase photon throughput more then 2.5 Mbps (not more then 800 KBytes/sec).

Kind Regards,