Combine two codes


Probably a silly question, but I have these two codes which are working on two separate Photons. Is it possible to combine these two codes so I can use only one Phonon?

Code 1:

// MD: Increment version number each edit and compile.  Allows read of version number loaded to electron.
// MD: See below for particle variable allowing remote reading in Particle Dev and from CLI.
char *version = "0.6";
//v0.5: 30/04/2016:  Includes Ubidots and Ubidot write of data
//v0.6: 01/05/2016:  General tidy up.

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Spark IDE.
#include "TinyGPS.h"
// Ubidots include
#include "Ubidots.h"
#define TOKEN "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"  // Put here your Ubidots TOKEN
Ubidots ubidots(TOKEN); // A data source with name "Particle" name will be created in your Ubidots account

TinyGPS gps;
char szInfo[64];
// Every 15 minutes
// MD: changed to 10 minutes
int sleep = 1 * 60 * 1000;
float lat, lon, speed_knots;
unsigned long age;
char ubidots_string[150];

void setup(){
    // MD: Copied from Asset Tracker library.  Power to the GPS is controlled by a FET connected to D6


    // MD: Allow version of electron application code to be read remotely.
    Particle.variable("Version", version);

    ubidots.setDatasourceName("ParticleDeviceName"); // Uncomment this line to change the datasource Name.

void loop(){
    bool isValidGPS = false;

    for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;){
        // Check GPS data is available
        while (Serial1.available()){
            char c =;

            // parse GPS data
            if (gps.encode(c))
                isValidGPS = true;

    // If we have a valid GPS location then publish it
    if (isValidGPS){

        gps.f_get_position(&lat, &lon, &age);
        speed_knots=gps.f_speed_knots();// MD:  Added to provide a single variable to pass to Ubidots for mapping.

        sprintf(szInfo, "%.6f,%.6f", (lat == TinyGPS::GPS_INVALID_F_ANGLE ? 0.0 : lat), (lon == TinyGPS::GPS_INVALID_F_ANGLE ? 0.0 : lon));
        // Not a valid GPS location, so just pass 0.0,0.0
        // This is not really correct because 0.0,0.0 actually is a valid GPS location,
        // so we have to pass a invalid GPS location and check it at the client side

        sprintf(szInfo, "0.0,0.0");
        sprintf(ubidots_string, "lat=0.0$lng=0.0");

    Spark.publish("gpsloc", szInfo);

    ubidots.add("Lat", lat); // Discrete variable for display on Ubidots dashboard (but not for mapping).
    ubidots.add("Lon", lon); // Discrete variable for display on Ubidots dashboard (but not for mapping).
    ubidots.add("Speed (Kn)", speed_knots,ubidots_string); //This variable, has "context" string of lat and lng which is read by Ubidots and used for position data in mapping  widget.

    // Sleep for some time

Code 2

  SparkFun Photon Weather Shield basic example
  Joel Bartlett @ SparkFun Electronics
  Original Creation Date: May 18, 2015
  Updated August 21, 2015
  This sketch prints the temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure OR
  altitude to the Serial port.
  The library used in this example can be found here:
  Hardware Connections:
	This sketch was written specifically for the Photon Weather Shield,
	which connects the HTU21D and MPL3115A2 to the I2C bus by default.
  If you have an HTU21D and/or an MPL3115A2 breakout,	use the following
  hardware setup:
      HTU21D ------------- Photon
      (-) ------------------- GND
      (+) ------------------- 3.3V (VCC)
       CL ------------------- D1/SCL
       DA ------------------- D0/SDA
    MPL3115A2 ------------- Photon
      GND ------------------- GND
      VCC ------------------- 3.3V (VCC)
      SCL ------------------ D1/SCL
      SDA ------------------ D0/SDA
  Development environment specifics:
  	IDE: Particle Dev
  	Hardware Platform: Particle Photon
                       Particle Core
  This code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun
  employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful,
  please buy us a round!
  Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
  Weather Underground Upload sections: Dan Fein @ Weather Underground
  Weather Underground Upload Protocol:
  Sign up at
#include "SparkFun_Photon_Weather_Shield_Library.h"
#include "math.h"   //For Dew Point Calculation

float humidity = 0;
float humTempF = 0;  //humidity sensor temp reading, fahrenheit
float humTempC = 0;  //humidity sensor temp reading, celsius
float baroTempF = 0; //barometer sensor temp reading, fahrenheit
float baroTempC = 0; //barometer sensor temp reading, celsius
float tempF = 0;     //Average of the sensors temperature readings, fahrenheit
float tempC = 0;     //Average of the sensors temperature readings, celsius
float dewptF = 0;
float dewptC = 0;
float pascals = 0;
float inches = 0;

//Wunderground Vars

char SERVER[] = "";      	    //Rapidfire update server - for multiple sends per minute
//char SERVER [] = "";   //Standard server - for sends once per minute or less
char WEBPAGE [] = "GET /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?";

//Station Identification
char ID [] = "xxxxxxx"; //Your station ID here
char PASSWORD [] = "xxxxxx"; //your Weather Underground password here

TCPClient client;

const unsigned long IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = 750; // Time to listen for the WunderGround response

//Create Instance of HTU21D or SI7021 temp and humidity sensor and MPL3115A2 barometric sensor
Weather sensor;

void setup()
    Serial.begin(9600);   // open serial over USB at 9600 baud

    //Initialize the I2C sensors and ping them

    /*You can only receive acurate barrometric readings or acurate altitiude
    readings at a given time, not both at the same time. The following two lines
    tell the sensor what mode to use. You could easily write a function that
    takes a reading in one made and then switches to the other mode to grab that
    reading, resulting in data that contains both acurate altitude and barrometric
    readings. For this example, we will only be using the barometer mode. Be sure
    to only uncomment one line at a time. */
    sensor.setModeBarometer();//Set to Barometer Mode
    //baro.setModeAltimeter();//Set to altimeter Mode

    //These are additional MPL3115A2 functions the MUST be called for the sensor to work.
    sensor.setOversampleRate(7); // Set Oversample rate
    //Call with a rate from 0 to 7. See page 33 for table of ratios.
    //Sets the over sample rate. Datasheet calls for 128 but you can set it
    //from 1 to 128 samples. The higher the oversample rate the greater
    //the time between data samples.

    sensor.enableEventFlags(); //Necessary register calls to enble temp, baro ansd alt

void loop()
      //Get readings from all sensors

      //Print to console

      //Send data to Weather Underground

      //get response to confirm

      //Power down between sends to save power, measured in seconds.
      //System.sleep(SLEEP_MODE_DEEP,300);  //for Particle Photon
      //Spark.sleep(SLEEP_MODE_DEEP,300);   //for Spark Core

void printInfo()
//This function prints the weather data out to the default Serial Port

  Serial.print("F, ");

  Serial.print("%, ");

  Serial.print("F, ");

  Serial.print("F, ");

  Serial.print("hPa, ");
  //The MPL3115A2 outputs the pressure in Pascals. However, most weather stations
  //report pressure in hectopascals or millibars. Divide by 100 to get a reading
  //more closely resembling what online weather reports may say in hPa or mb.
  //Another common unit for pressure is Inches of Mercury (in.Hg). To convert
  //from mb to in.Hg, use the following formula. P(inHg) = 0.0295300 * P(mb)
  //More info on conversion can be found here:

  //If in altitude mode, print with these lines

void sendToWU()

  if (client.connect(SERVER, 80)) { 
  client.print("&dateutc=now");      //can use 'now' instead of time if sending in real time
  //client.print("&action=updateraw");    //Standard update rate - for sending once a minute or less
  client.print("&softwaretype=Particle-Photon&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=30");  //Rapid Fire update rate - for sending multiple times per minute, specify frequency in seconds
  client.print(" HTTP/1.0\r\n");
  client.print("Accept: text/html\r\n");
  client.print("Host: ");
  Serial.println("Upload complete");
  delay(300);                         //-if using sleep- it goes to sleep  too fast and the send is unreliable
    Serial.println(F("Connection failed"));
void getWeather()
  // Measure Relative Humidity from the HTU21D or Si7021
  humidity = sensor.getRH();

  // Measure Temperature from the HTU21D or Si7021
  humTempC = sensor.getTemp();
  humTempF = (humTempC * 9)/5 + 32;
  // Temperature is measured every time RH is requested.
  // It is faster, therefore, to read it from previous RH
  // measurement with getTemp() instead with readTemp()

  //Measure the Barometer temperature in F from the MPL3115A2
  baroTempC = sensor.readBaroTemp();
  baroTempF = (baroTempC * 9)/5 + 32; //convert the temperature to F

  //Measure Pressure from the MPL3115A2
  pascals = sensor.readPressure();
  inches = pascals * 0.0002953; // Calc for converting Pa to inHg (Wunderground expects inHg)

  //If in altitude mode, you can get a reading in feet with this line:
  //float altf = sensor.readAltitudeFt();

  //Average the temperature reading from both sensors

  //Calculate Dew Point
  dewptC = dewPoint(tempC, humidity);
  dewptF = (dewptC * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0;
// dewPoint function from NOAA
// reference (1) :
// reference (2) :
double dewPoint(double celsius, double humidity)
	// (1) Saturation Vapor Pressure = ESGG(T)
	double RATIO = 373.15 / (273.15 + celsius);
	double RHS = -7.90298 * (RATIO - 1);
	RHS += 5.02808 * log10(RATIO);
	RHS += -1.3816e-7 * (pow(10, (11.344 * (1 - 1/RATIO ))) - 1) ;
	RHS += 8.1328e-3 * (pow(10, (-3.49149 * (RATIO - 1))) - 1) ;
	RHS += log10(1013.246);

  // factor -3 is to adjust units - Vapor Pressure SVP * humidity
	double VP = pow(10, RHS - 3) * humidity;

  // (2) DEWPOINT = F(Vapor Pressure)
	double T = log(VP/0.61078);   // temp var
	return (241.88 * T) / (17.558 - T);
void listen()
  Serial.println("Server Response...");
  unsigned long lastRead = millis();
  while (client.connected() && (millis() - lastRead < IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS))
    if (client.available()) {
      char c =;

Yes, these two projects can be combined into one.


Any guidence…?

Rather than us telling you how to do it;
What have you tried so far?
How would you go about it?
What is it you want it to do in the end?


try this


I have given it a try, but got an error…

char *version = "0.6";
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <SparkFun_Photon_Weather_Shield_Library.h>
#include <math.h>

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <Ubidots.h>

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <TinyGPS.h>

float humidity = 0;
float humTempF = 0;  //humidity sensor temp reading, fahrenheit
float humTempC = 0;  //humidity sensor temp reading, celsius
float baroTempF = 0; //barometer sensor temp reading, fahrenheit
float baroTempC = 0; //barometer sensor temp reading, celsius
float tempF = 0;     //Average of the sensors temperature readings, fahrenheit
float tempC = 0;     //Average of the sensors temperature readings, celsius
float dewptF = 0;
float dewptC = 0;
float pascals = 0;
float inches = 0;

//Wunderground Vars

char SERVER[] = "";      	    //Rapidfire update server - for multiple sends per minute
//char SERVER [] = "";   //Standard server - for sends once per minute or less
char WEBPAGE [] = "GET /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?";

//Station Identification
char ID [] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; //Your station ID here
char PASSWORD [] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; //your Weather Underground password here

TCPClient client;

const unsigned long IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = 750; // Time to listen for the WunderGround response

//Create Instance of HTU21D or SI7021 temp and humidity sensor and MPL3115A2 barometric sensor
Weather sensor;
#define TOKEN "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"  // Put here your Ubidots TOKEN
Ubidots ubidots(TOKEN); // A data source with name "Particle" name will be created in your Ubidots account

TinyGPS gps;
char szInfo[64];
// Every 15 minutes
// MD: changed to 10 minutes
int sleep = 1 * 60 * 1000;
float lat, lon, speed_knots;
unsigned long age;
char ubidots_string[150];

void setup() {
// MD: Copied from Asset Tracker library.  Power to the GPS is controlled by a FET connected to D6


    // MD: Allow version of electron application code to be read remotely.
    Particle.variable("Version", version);

    ubidots.setDatasourceName("ParticleDeviceName"); // Uncomment this line to change the datasource Name.
    //Initialize the I2C sensors and ping them

    /*You can only receive acurate barrometric readings or acurate altitiude
    readings at a given time, not both at the same time. The following two lines
    tell the sensor what mode to use. You could easily write a function that
    takes a reading in one made and then switches to the other mode to grab that
    reading, resulting in data that contains both acurate altitude and barrometric
    readings. For this example, we will only be using the barometer mode. Be sure
    to only uncomment one line at a time. */
    sensor.setModeBarometer();//Set to Barometer Mode
    //baro.setModeAltimeter();//Set to altimeter Mode

    //These are additional MPL3115A2 functions the MUST be called for the sensor to work.
    sensor.setOversampleRate(7); // Set Oversample rate
    //Call with a rate from 0 to 7. See page 33 for table of ratios.
    //Sets the over sample rate. Datasheet calls for 128 but you can set it
    //from 1 to 128 samples. The higher the oversample rate the greater
    //the time between data samples.

    sensor.enableEventFlags(); //Necessary register calls to enble temp, baro ansd alt

void loop() {
bool isValidGPS = false;

    for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;){
        // Check GPS data is available
        while (Serial1.available()){
            char c =;

            // parse GPS data
            if (gps.encode(c))
                isValidGPS = true;

    // If we have a valid GPS location then publish it
    if (isValidGPS){

        gps.f_get_position(&lat, &lon, &age);
        speed_knots=gps.f_speed_knots();// MD:  Added to provide a single variable to pass to Ubidots for mapping.

        sprintf(szInfo, "%.6f,%.6f", (lat == TinyGPS::GPS_INVALID_F_ANGLE ? 0.0 : lat), (lon == TinyGPS::GPS_INVALID_F_ANGLE ? 0.0 : lon));
        // Not a valid GPS location, so just pass 0.0,0.0
        // This is not really correct because 0.0,0.0 actually is a valid GPS location,
        // so we have to pass a invalid GPS location and check it at the client side

        sprintf(szInfo, "0.0,0.0");
        sprintf(ubidots_string, "lat=0.0$lng=0.0");

    Spark.publish("gpsloc", szInfo);

    ubidots.add("Lat", lat); // Discrete variable for display on Ubidots dashboard (but not for mapping).
    ubidots.add("Lon", lon); // Discrete variable for display on Ubidots dashboard (but not for mapping).
    ubidots.add("Speed (Kn)", speed_knots,ubidots_string); //This variable, has "context" string of lat and lng which is read by Ubidots and used for position data in mapping  widget.

    // Sleep for some time
    //This function prints the weather data out to the default Serial Port

  Serial.print("F, ");

  Serial.print("%, ");

  Serial.print("F, ");

  Serial.print("F, ");

  Serial.print("hPa, ");
  //The MPL3115A2 outputs the pressure in Pascals. However, most weather stations
  //report pressure in hectopascals or millibars. Divide by 100 to get a reading
  //more closely resembling what online weather reports may say in hPa or mb.
  //Another common unit for pressure is Inches of Mercury (in.Hg). To convert
  //from mb to in.Hg, use the following formula. P(inHg) = 0.0295300 * P(mb)
  //More info on conversion can be found here:

  //If in altitude mode, print with these lines

void sendToWU()

  if (client.connect(SERVER, 80)) { 
  client.print("&dateutc=now");      //can use 'now' instead of time if sending in real time
  //client.print("&action=updateraw");    //Standard update rate - for sending once a minute or less
  client.print("&softwaretype=Particle-Photon&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=30");  //Rapid Fire update rate - for sending multiple times per minute, specify frequency in seconds
  client.print(" HTTP/1.0\r\n");
  client.print("Accept: text/html\r\n");
  client.print("Host: ");
  Serial.println("Upload complete");
  delay(300);                         //-if using sleep- it goes to sleep  too fast and the send is unreliable
    Serial.println(F("Connection failed"));
void getWeather()
  // Measure Relative Humidity from the HTU21D or Si7021
  humidity = sensor.getRH();

  // Measure Temperature from the HTU21D or Si7021
  humTempC = sensor.getTemp();
  humTempF = (humTempC * 9)/5 + 32;
  // Temperature is measured every time RH is requested.
  // It is faster, therefore, to read it from previous RH
  // measurement with getTemp() instead with readTemp()

  //Measure the Barometer temperature in F from the MPL3115A2
  baroTempC = sensor.readBaroTemp();
  baroTempF = (baroTempC * 9)/5 + 32; //convert the temperature to F

  //Measure Pressure from the MPL3115A2
  pascals = sensor.readPressure();
  inches = pascals * 0.0002953; // Calc for converting Pa to inHg (Wunderground expects inHg)

  //If in altitude mode, you can get a reading in feet with this line:
  //float altf = sensor.readAltitudeFt();

  //Average the temperature reading from both sensors

  //Calculate Dew Point
  dewptC = dewPoint(tempC, humidity);
  dewptF = (dewptC * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0;
// dewPoint function from NOAA
// reference (1) :
// reference (2) :
double dewPoint(double celsius, double humidity)
	// (1) Saturation Vapor Pressure = ESGG(T)
	double RATIO = 373.15 / (273.15 + celsius);
	double RHS = -7.90298 * (RATIO - 1);
	RHS += 5.02808 * log10(RATIO);
	RHS += -1.3816e-7 * (pow(10, (11.344 * (1 - 1/RATIO ))) - 1) ;
	RHS += 8.1328e-3 * (pow(10, (-3.49149 * (RATIO - 1))) - 1) ;
	RHS += log10(1013.246);

  // factor -3 is to adjust units - Vapor Pressure SVP * humidity
	double VP = pow(10, RHS - 3) * humidity;

  // (2) DEWPOINT = F(Vapor Pressure)
	double T = log(VP/0.61078);   // temp var
	return (241.88 * T) / (17.558 - T);
void listen()
  Serial.println("Server Response...");
  unsigned long lastRead = millis();
  while (client.connected() && (millis() - lastRead < IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS))
    if (client.available()) {
      char c =;


Any suggestion?

You are declaring a variable SERVER (for wunderground) in your code, but the Ubidots library is defining that internally too.
That’s one reason why #define is bad - especially with as generic names like SERVER.
Ubidots should have

  • used a more specific name (e.g. UBIDOTS_SERVER)
  • use static const char* or static const char[] to ensure the variable is confinded to their library
  • and for the constructor accept a const char* and not demand a “mutable” string for the token.

But to solve your trouble now just add this before the declaration of your SERVER

#ifdef SERVER
#undef SERVER

and/or change SERVER to something more specific too (e.g. WUNDER_SERVER).

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