Clarification on Connection Management for M-SoM

I'm trying to prioritize the Cellular network interface over Wi-Fi without having to clear the saved Wi-Fi credentials. Additionally, I'm concerned about the behavior of the Wi-Fi and Cellular modems when they are not the preferred interface. Specifically:

  1. Prefer Cellular Without Clearing Wi-Fi Credentials:
  • When I set Cellular.prefer() (and it connects to cellular), the device still seems to continuously search for the saved Wi-Fi networks.
  • I would like the device to prefer Cellular only when it's available and not attempt to connect to Wi-Fi unless cellular connection fails.
  • Clearing Wi-Fi credentials is not an ideal solution for my use case, as I need to maintain them for future connections but it is the only way to prevent the M-SoM to keep searching for Wifi without just explicitly turning wifi off.
  1. Modem Power Management:
  • Do the Wi-Fi and Cellular modems turn off or enter a low-power state when they are not the preferred interface?
  • I want to ensure that unnecessary power consumption is minimized and that the non-preferred modem doesn't interfere with the preferred connection.

This might be the answer to my issues

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When automatic connection management is enabled, all interface remain powered up to make the transition easier and faster.

You can, however, use and to manually power down the interfaces. Once powered down, they will not be used as a connectivity option, however they also will not use power.

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