CellLocate on u-blox SARA U201 2G/3G modem (Boron 2G/3G)

Ok. The Boron cellular chipset (Sara U201) supports ublox’s CellLocate, however it requires an authorisation token which doesn’t seem to be available to end users only to “customers”. Is there Particle token I can use?

Many thanks

Where did you find information that an authorization token was required?

In the current Boron Device OS (0.8.0-rc.27) it’s not possible to use CellLocate, because Cellular.command is not supported to send raw commands to the modem.

In the next Boron Device OS version, Cellular.command is supported, however you still can’t use CellLocate because there’s no way to retrieve the +UULOC URC from user firmware in that version.

However, I am able to use CellLocate on the E Series E310, which also uses the u-blox SARA-U201, so I believe it should eventually work on the Boron 2G/3G once a few software kinks are worked out.

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Thanks for the prompt reply.

“Where did you find information that an authorization token was required?”

Basically from the u-blox website:

Page 60 refers to the token

I was looking forward to the release of v0.9.0 which includes Cellular.command() support
From the post:
“We’ve implemented the full set of cellular.command() APIs available for Gen 2 devices which unlock the full capabilities of the Boron’s onboard cellular modem”
Does this mean I’m never going to find where my Boron is, unless I add a GPS module (I’m looking for a low power option)?
I was going to use the Mesh capability for a “docking” application for when the vehicle arrives back home.

Oh, that’s for AssistNow, which is different than CellLocate.

CellLocate is included for free (no special authorization) on the SARA-U201 (also G350, U260, and U270).

CellLocate is not included in the LTE Cat M1 SARA-R410M-02-B.

The current (0.8.0-rc.27) Boron DeviceOS cannot use CellLocate. The next version can’t either. But it will likely be supported shortly thereafter. It’s a bug/missing feature that the response from AT+ULOC cannot be read.


Just wondering if the “AT+ULOC” read has been fixed yet, if not, when can we expect it?