Can particle Device OS be used on a Feather Huzzah?

Is it possible to use Device OS on a non-particle device like the Feather Huzzah?

If not, what is the happy path to integrating a Feather Huzzah device with Particle Cloud Functions and pub/sub?

@cromwellryan, welcome to the community. If you search this forum, you will find many similar questions. Unfortunately, the answer is always the same. Though the Particle DeviceOS is open source, it is tied to the MCUs used in their products. None of their products use an ESP32 as their main processor. You could, with extreme pain, customize the DeviceOS to run on a Huzzah but that still would not give you the necessary device ID to get access to the Particle cloud platform. Is there a reason you want to use a Feather Huzzah?

The new Photon 2 is a Feather device that supports both WiFi and BLE and, of course, can access the Particle Cloud and all its offerings.


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