Can I push compiled firmware to the Boron LTE from the cloud?

GxEPD libraries were one. Those were from the eink. I was having trouble with the I2C expander one, but it was intermittent. When the web ide would flash it would sometimes hang the processor after an update and it would have to be reset using the buttons on the board.

The particle workbench installs the CLI and almost nothing else beyond a splash screen on vscode. We had to use the CLI when the firmware would hang to flash the tinker firmware (it acts kind of like a factory reset). Boron FW restore - #21 by Moors7

We also have to use the cli to manually write the setup flag if something happened during the firmware flash and the board got stuck in “listening mode” and couldn’t be reset using the particle app’s pairing process

@particle7888 I hope this helps and any fixes would be welcome. Since then we have moved away from the particle hosting the eink to an integration a where the Boron passes the information via serial to the raspberry Pi which has the eink.