I have almost no experience with C++ and I’m used to the Arduino platform. On the Arduino when I had a bunch of related Functions, I’d put them in a new tab and the Functions would be automatically callable from setup() and loop() with no extra work.
So how do I create a file which contains all my functions and make this file available to my application.cpp? (I’m sure there’s some work involved in making this happen )
I was talking about when building files Locally not using the Web IDE. The general process is that I put my code (which includes Setup(), Loop(), all other Functions) into the Application.cpp file. Then I “make” the build folder. The reason I want this is because my Application.cpp file has become large and takes me ages to scroll up and down looking for a particular function.
So I was hoping you could tell me if I have to create a new file & extension to paste all my functions into like : “customfunctions.h” or “customfunctions.cpp” or something else ?
And would I have to add a line at the top of application.cpp like : “#include customfunction.h” or “#include customfunctions.cpp” ?
I’m also looking for something that is compiler friendly that doesn’t require me to do a “make clean” all the time. Hmmm, something tells me I’m very close the answer