Actually, something I just noticed @BDub: It seems the first result is always the currently associated AP, but I can’t confirm that anywhere. If that’s the case we can just parse the first result and disregard the rest.
I just had the same thought, but the first time I reset my Core it was my neighbor’s SSID.
BTW, printing in HEX is definitely easier to convert for debugging… do you have it printing the ascii out yet?
I’ve been trying but I think I need sleep…
Was trying this:
void loop() {
long err = wlan_ioctl_get_scan_results(0, ucResults);
int idx = 12;
if(err == 0) {
Serial.print("RSSI: ");
Serial.print(" SSID: ");
while(idx < 43) { // if 42, print last ascii character
int hex_to_int(char c){
int first = c / 16 - 3;
int second = c % 16;
int result = first*10 + second;
if(result > 9) result--;
return result;
int hex_to_ascii(char c, char d){
int high = hex_to_int(c) * 16;
int low = hex_to_int(d);
return high+low;
@BDub Hmm, here we go…
Scan Started
30001000151591084105109111116104121323832831169711400000000000000000096517523224171 || SSID: Timothy & Star || RSSI: 0x97/-53dB || Loop: 0
20001000151401011610510998951031171011151160000000000000000000000102517523224171 || SSID: timb_guest || RSSI: 0x97/-53dB || Loop: 1
1000100014763108011110710111432721051081083270971141090000000000000000003082245451 || SSID: Poker Hill Farm || RSSI: 0x93/-55dB || Loop: 2
00001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 || SSID: || RSSI: 0x0/-128dB || Loop: 3
That -53dB for my SSID—Timothy & Star—seems pretty accurate to me (selected client is the Core):
Yeah, as you can see I’ve got it printing out in multiple formats. Looking at your code, you might be over-engeineering it a bit (or just tired)! Here’s my code:
void loop() {
unsigned char wlan_results_raw[49];
char ssid_name[31];
wlan_ioctl_get_scan_results(0, wlan_results_raw);
for (int i = 0; i <= 49; i++) {
for (int i = 12; i <=43; i++) {
int arrayPos = i - 12;
ssid_name[arrayPos] = wlan_results_raw[i];
int rssi_raw = wlan_results_raw[8];
int rssi_db = (rssi_raw >> 1) - 128;
Serial.print(" || SSID: ");
Serial.print(" || RSSI: 0x");
Serial.print(rssi_raw, HEX);
Serial.print(" || Loop: ");
Ok, going to bed! Good job
Looking over your code, I see what you’re trying to do there. I was trying to figure out a way to convert to ASCII at first as well, when I realized I could just use an if loop to read out the requested bytes into a char array which Serial.print would read as an ASCII string. I might be going to bed soon here shortly as well, but now that I’ve got an easy way to grab the RSSI and convert it to a dB reading, we should easily be able to write a signal strength function.
Now we just need a way to get the current SSID. Did you get anywhere on that?
So, do you want me to go ahead and write up the basic RSSI function in the morning? I’ve already got a framework laid out for it, so I don’t mind.
Current AP can be obtained from the netapp_ipconfig call. It is the last argument returned.
@timb yes please do! I also found the netapp_config but AndyW beat me to posting it. I don’t have any code that uses it currently. Here’s more info:
typedef struct _netapp_ipconfig_ret_args_t
unsigned char aucIP[4];
unsigned char aucSubnetMask[4];
unsigned char aucDefaultGateway[4];
unsigned char aucDHCPServer[4];
unsigned char aucDNSServer[4];
unsigned char uaMacAddr[6];
unsigned char uaSSID[32];
//! netapp_ipconfig
//! @param[out] ipconfig This argument is a pointer to a
//! tNetappIpconfigRetArgs structure. This structure is
//! filled in with the network interface configuration.
//! tNetappIpconfigRetArgs:\n aucIP - ip address,
//! aucSubnetMask - mask, aucDefaultGateway - default
//! gateway address, aucDHCPServer - dhcp server address
//! aucDNSServer - dns server address, uaMacAddr - mac
//! address, uaSSID - connected AP ssid
//! @return none
//! @brief Obtain the CC3000 Network interface information.
//! Note that the information is available only after the WLAN
//! connection was established. Calling this function before
//! associated, will cause non-defined values to be returned.
//! @note The function is useful for figuring out the IP Configuration of
//! the device when DHCP is used and for figuring out the SSID of
//! the Wireless network the device is associated with.
void netapp_ipconfig( tNetappIpconfigRetArgs * ipconfig )
Couldn’t resist continuing to play with this… this works:
int y = 1;
unsigned char ucResults[64];
tNetappIpconfigRetArgs ipconfig;
void setup() {
void loop() {
long err = wlan_ioctl_get_scan_results(0, ucResults);
if(err == 0) {
Serial.print("RSSI: ");
Serial.print(" SSID: ");
char ssid[31];
int idx = 12;
while(idx < 43) { // if 42, print last ascii character
ssid[idx-12] = ucResults[idx++];
Serial.print("CONNECTED AP SSID: ");
@timb Going to need a function that collects the currently connected SSID, and then scans fast for all other SSID’s until there is a match… check if RSSI is valid and if so return with info. Timeout in maybe 5 seconds if not found?
My core has been repeating the same sequence over and over this afternoon since I flashed it. Here is a 2 min video. It's a stormy night here in Yorkshire and my 3G internet connection is less than reliable in these conditions. The CFoD problem seems on the face of it to be solved, and the core is re-connecting around once per minute. Strange thing is that my program isn't running all the time, even when cyan breathing. How I believe I know is this: at the start of loop(), I set digitalWrite(D7, HIGH); then at the end of loop() I set digitalWrite(D7, LOW);. This way I can tell when my program is running using the small blue led.
Sounds like your program is hanging somewhere… check all of your for() and while() loops and add timeouts if necessary. Also check your libraries for similar waiting around conditions. You can also put Serial.println(“First task”); statements before each task in your main loop to see which one it might be hanging by. If you see your D7 led not blinking anymore, check the last Serial entry. Post your code if you still have trouble!
Yup! No problem, will have it done this evening. I think a 1 second timeout would work alright as you should be able to iterate 16 times through a loop in 100ms or less.
Right, probably? I just had no idea what the range of times to complete the scans would be. Since it has an index for how many AP’s are left in the list… it would be possible to make it a dynamic time out… or if it timed out before all AP’s where processed a particular error could be returned so we have some idea that the timeout is too short for certain situations.
@BDub Hmm, yeah, that’s a good point. I’ll play with it. BTW, why is your unsigned char ucResults[64];
64? I only counted 50 bytes.
I did that JUST so you would question it
Edit: Damn, I can’t believe that show was 10 years ago!
Sorry @BDub. I know this is a very busy thread, you and @timb are leagues ahead of me in this stuff. We are all very glad that the Spark team has the added benefit of some very clever and experienced forum members.
I have checked my code and the "library" code I have pasted in. Only 2 commands affect the D7 led. They are the first and last lines of my loop() function. I can't see any interrupt functions in the library code, the only interrupt functions are the two I coded and they don't contain loops. I have now added lines to switch the led on and off at the start of both my interrupt functions, my loop() and my init() functions. To my mind, if the led is off, my code isn't running. There's no change to the pattern shown in my video.
I've tried a factory reset. Tinker behaves normally and allows me to switch the D7 led on and off. When I reflash my code, its just the same as before.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could have a look at my code and come up with any theory was to how my code could cause hangups without leaving the D7 led on.
SHT2x - A Humidity Library for Arduino.
Supported Sensor modules:
SHT21-Breakout Module -
SHT2x-Breakout Module -
Created by Christopher Ladden at Modern Device on December 2009.
Modified by on October 2011:
- code optimisation
- compatibility with Arduino 1.0
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef SHT2X_H
#define SHT2X_H
#include <inttypes.h>
typedef enum {
eSHT2xAddress = 0x40,
typedef enum {
eTempHoldCmd = 0xE3,
eRHumidityHoldCmd = 0xE5,
eTempNoHoldCmd = 0xF3,
eRHumidityNoHoldCmd = 0xF5,
class SHT2xClass
uint16_t readSensor(uint8_t command);
float GetHumidity(void);
float GetTemperature(void);
extern SHT2xClass SHT2x;
SHT2x - A Humidity Library for Arduino.
Supported Sensor modules:
SHT21-Breakout Module -
SHT2x-Breakout Module -
Created by Christopher Ladden at Modern Device on December 2009.
Modified by Paul Badger March 2010
Modified by on October 2011:
- code optimisation
- compatibility with Arduino 1.0
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <inttypes.h>
//#include <Wire.h>
//#include "Arduino.h"
//#include "SHT2x.h"
* Global Functions
* GetHumidity
* Gets the current humidity from the sensor.
* @return float - The relative humidity in %RH
float SHT2xClass::GetHumidity(void)
return (-6.0 + 125.0 / 65536.0 * (float)(readSensor(eRHumidityHoldCmd)));
* GetTemperature
* Gets the current temperature from the sensor.
* @return float - The temperature in Deg C
float SHT2xClass::GetTemperature(void)
return (-46.85 + 175.72 / 65536.0 * (float)(readSensor(eTempHoldCmd)));
* Private Functions
uint16_t SHT2xClass::readSensor(uint8_t command)
uint16_t result;
Wire.beginTransmission(eSHT2xAddress); //begin
Wire.write(command); //send the pointer location
Wire.endTransmission(); //end
Wire.requestFrom(eSHT2xAddress, 3);
while(Wire.available() < 3) {
; //wait
//Store the result
result = (( << 8);
result +=;
result &= ~0x0003; // clear two low bits (status bits)
return result;
SHT2xClass SHT2x;
* BMP085.h - BMP085/I2C (Digital Pressure Sensor) library for Arduino *
* Copyright 2010-2012 Filipe Vieira & various contributors *
* *
* This file is part of BMP085 Arduino library. *
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <>. *
* Tested on Arduino Mega with BMP085 Breakout *
* SDA -> pin 20 (no pull up resistors) *
* SCL -> pin 21 (no pull up resistors) *
* XCLR -> not connected *
* EOC -> not connected *
* GND -> pin GND *
* VCC -> pin 3.3V *
* NOTE: SCL and SDA needs pull-up resistors for each I2C bus. *
* 2.2kOhm..10kOhm, typ. 4.7kOhm *
#ifndef BMP085_h
#define BMP085_h
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
//#include "WProgram.h"
#define BMP085_ADDR 0x77 //0x77 default I2C address
#define BUFFER_SIZE 3
#define AUTO_UPDATE_TEMPERATURE true //default is true
// when true, temperature is measured everytime pressure is measured (Auto).
// when false, user chooses when to measure temperature (just call calcTrueTemperature()).
// used for dynamic measurement to increase sample rate (see BMP085 modes below).
/* ---- Registers ---- */
#define CAL_AC1 0xAA // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_AC2 0xAC // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_AC3 0xAE // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_AC4 0xB0 // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_AC5 0xB2 // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_AC6 0xB4 // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_B1 0xB6 // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_B2 0xB8 // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_MB 0xBA // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_MC 0xBC // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CAL_MD 0xBE // R Calibration data (16 bits)
#define CONTROL 0xF4 // W Control register
#define CONTROL_OUTPUT 0xF6 // R Output registers 0xF6=MSB, 0xF7=LSB, 0xF8=XLSB
// unused registers
#define SOFTRESET 0xE0
#define VERSION 0xD1 // ML_VERSION pos=0 len=4 msk=0F AL_VERSION pos=4 len=4 msk=f0
#define CHIPID 0xD0 // pos=0 mask=FF len=8
// BMP085_CHIP_ID=0x55
// BMP085 Modes
#define MODE_ULTRA_LOW_POWER 0 //oversampling=0, internalsamples=1, maxconvtimepressure=4.5ms, avgcurrent=3uA, RMSnoise_hPA=0.06, RMSnoise_m=0.5
#define MODE_STANDARD 1 //oversampling=1, internalsamples=2, maxconvtimepressure=7.5ms, avgcurrent=5uA, RMSnoise_hPA=0.05, RMSnoise_m=0.4
#define MODE_HIGHRES 2 //oversampling=2, internalsamples=4, maxconvtimepressure=13.5ms, avgcurrent=7uA, RMSnoise_hPA=0.04, RMSnoise_m=0.3
#define MODE_ULTRA_HIGHRES 3 //oversampling=3, internalsamples=8, maxconvtimepressure=25.5ms, avgcurrent=12uA, RMSnoise_hPA=0.03, RMSnoise_m=0.25
// "Sampling rate can be increased to 128 samples per second (standard mode) for
// dynamic measurement.In this case it is sufficient to measure temperature only
// once per second and to use this value for all pressure measurements during period."
// (from BMP085 datasheet Rev1.2 page 10).
// To use dynamic measurement set AUTO_UPDATE_TEMPERATURE to false and
// call calcTrueTemperature() from your code.
// Control register
#define READ_PRESSURE 0x34
#define MSLP 101325 // Mean Sea Level Pressure = 1013.25 hPA (1hPa = 100Pa = 1mbar)
class BMP085 {
// BMP initialization
void init(); // sets current elevation above ground level to 0 meters
void init(byte _BMPMode, int32_t _initVal, bool _centimeters); // sets a reference datum
// if _centimeters=false _initVal is Pa
// Who Am I
byte getDevAddr();
// BMP mode
byte getMode();
void setMode(byte _BMPMode); // BMP085 mode
// initialization
void setLocalPressure(int32_t _Pa); // set known barometric pressure as reference Ex. QNH
void setLocalAbsAlt(int32_t _centimeters); // set known altitude as reference
void setAltOffset(int32_t _centimeters); // altitude offset
void sethPaOffset(int32_t _Pa); // pressure offset
void zeroCal(int32_t _Pa, int32_t _centimeters);// zero Calibrate output to a specific Pa/altitude
// BMP Sensors
void getPressure(int32_t *_Pa); // pressure in Pa + offset
void getAltitude(int32_t *_centimeters); // altitude in centimeters + offset
void getTemperature(int32_t *_Temperature); // temperature in Cº
void calcTrueTemperature(); // calc temperature data b5 (only needed if AUTO_UPDATE_TEMPERATURE is false)
void calcTruePressure(int32_t *_TruePressure); // calc Pressure in Pa
// dummy stuff
void dumpCalData(); // debug only
void writemem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _val);
void readmem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _nbytes, uint8_t __buff[]);
int16_t ac1,ac2,ac3,b1,b2,mb,mc,md; // cal data
uint16_t ac4,ac5,ac6; // cal data
int32_t b5, oldEMA; // temperature data
uint8_t _dev_address;
byte _buff[BUFFER_SIZE]; // buffer MSB LSB XLSB
int16_t _oss; // OverSamplingSetting
int16_t _pressure_waittime[4]; // Max. Conversion Time Pressure is ms for each mode
int32_t _cm_Offset, _Pa_Offset;
int32_t _param_datum, _param_centimeters;
void getCalData();
* BMP085.cpp - BMP085/I2C (Digital Pressure Sensor) library for Arduino *
* Copyright 2010-2012 Filipe Vieira & various contributors *
* *
* This file is part of BMP085 Arduino library. *
* *
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <>. *
* Tested on Arduino Mega with BMP085 Breakout *
* SDA -> pin 20 (no pull up resistors) *
* SCL -> pin 21 (no pull up resistors) *
* XCLR -> not connected *
* EOC -> not connected *
* GND -> pin GND *
* VCC -> pin 3.3V *
* NOTE: SCL and SDA needs pull-up resistors for each I2C bus. *
* 2.2kOhm..10kOhm, typ. 4.7kOhm *
//#include <Wire.h>
//#include <BMP085.h>
#include <cmath>
BMP085::BMP085() {
_dev_address = BMP085_ADDR;
_pressure_waittime[0] = 5; // These are maximum convertion times.
_pressure_waittime[1] = 8; // It is possible to use pin EOC (End Of Conversion)
_pressure_waittime[2] = 14;// to check if conversion is finished (logic 1)
_pressure_waittime[3] = 26;// or running (logic 0) insted of waiting for convertion times.
_cm_Offset = 0;
_Pa_Offset = 0; // 1hPa = 100Pa = 1mbar
oldEMA = 0;
void BMP085::init() {
init(MODE_STANDARD, 0, true);
void BMP085::init(byte _BMPMode, int32_t _initVal, bool _Unitmeters){
getCalData(); // initialize cal data
calcTrueTemperature(); // initialize b5
_Unitmeters ? setLocalAbsAlt(_initVal) : setLocalPressure(_initVal);
byte BMP085::getDevAddr() {
return _dev_address;
byte BMP085::getMode(){
return _oss;
void BMP085::setMode(byte _BMPMode){
_oss = _BMPMode;
void BMP085::setLocalPressure(int32_t _Pa){
int32_t tmp_alt;
_param_datum = _Pa;
getAltitude(&tmp_alt); // calc altitude based on current pressure
_param_centimeters = tmp_alt;
void BMP085::setLocalAbsAlt(int32_t _centimeters){
int32_t tmp_Pa;
_param_centimeters = _centimeters;
getPressure(&tmp_Pa); // calc pressure based on current altitude
_param_datum = tmp_Pa;
void BMP085::setAltOffset(int32_t _centimeters){
_cm_Offset = _centimeters;
void BMP085::sethPaOffset(int32_t _Pa){
_Pa_Offset = _Pa;
void BMP085::zeroCal(int32_t _Pa, int32_t _centimeters){
setAltOffset(_centimeters - _param_centimeters);
sethPaOffset(_Pa - _param_datum);
void BMP085::getPressure(int32_t *_Pa){
int32_t TruePressure;
*_Pa = TruePressure / pow((1 - (float)_param_centimeters / 4433000), 5.255) + _Pa_Offset;
// converting from float to int32_t truncates toward zero, 1010.999985 becomes 1010 resulting in 1 Pa error (max).
// Note that BMP085 abs accuracy from 700...1100hPa and 0..+65ºC is +-100Pa (typ.)
void BMP085::getAltitude(int32_t *_centimeters){
int32_t TruePressure;
*_centimeters = 4433000 * (1 - pow((TruePressure / (float)_param_datum), 0.1903)) + _cm_Offset;
// converting from float to int32_t truncates toward zero, 100.999985 becomes 100 resulting in 1 cm error (max).
void BMP085::getTemperature(int32_t *_Temperature) {
calcTrueTemperature(); // force b5 update
*_Temperature = ((b5 + 8) >> 4);
void BMP085::calcTrueTemperature(){
int32_t ut,x1,x2;
//read Raw Temperature
delay(5); // min. 4.5ms read Temp delay
readmem(CONTROL_OUTPUT, 2, _buff);
ut = ((int32_t)_buff[0] << 8 | ((int32_t)_buff[1])); // uncompensated temperature value
// calculate temperature
x1 = ((int32_t)ut - ac6) * ac5 >> 15;
x2 = ((int32_t)mc << 11) / (x1 + md);
b5 = x1 + x2;
void BMP085::calcTruePressure(int32_t *_TruePressure) {
int32_t up,x1,x2,x3,b3,b6,p;
uint32_t b4,b7;
int32_t tmp;
calcTrueTemperature(); // b5 update
//read Raw Pressure
writemem(CONTROL, READ_PRESSURE+(_oss << 6));
readmem(CONTROL_OUTPUT, 3, _buff);
up = ((((int32_t)_buff[0] <<16) | ((int32_t)_buff[1] <<8) | ((int32_t)_buff[2])) >> (8-_oss)); // uncompensated pressure value
// calculate true pressure
b6 = b5 - 4000; // b5 is updated by calcTrueTemperature().
x1 = (b2* (b6 * b6 >> 12)) >> 11;
x2 = ac2 * b6 >> 11;
x3 = x1 + x2;
tmp = ac1;
tmp = (tmp * 4 + x3) << _oss;
b3 = (tmp + 2) >> 2;
x1 = ac3 * b6 >> 13;
x2 = (b1 * (b6 * b6 >> 12)) >> 16;
x3 = ((x1 + x2) + 2) >> 2;
b4 = (ac4 * (uint32_t) (x3 + 32768)) >> 15;
b7 = ((uint32_t)up - b3) * (50000 >> _oss);
p = b7 < 0x80000000 ? (b7 << 1) / b4 : (b7 / b4) << 1;
x1 = (p >> 8) * (p >> 8);
x1 = (x1 * 3038) >> 16;
x2 = (-7357 * p) >> 16;
*_TruePressure = p + ((x1 + x2 + 3791) >> 4);
void BMP085::dumpCalData() {
Serial.println("---cal data start---");
Serial.println("---cal data end---");
//PRIVATE methods
void BMP085::getCalData() {
readmem(CAL_AC1, 2, _buff);
ac1 = ((int16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC2, 2, _buff);
ac2 = ((int16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC3, 2, _buff);
ac3 = ((int16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC4, 2, _buff);
ac4 = ((uint16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((uint16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC5, 2, _buff);
ac5 = ((uint16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((uint16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_AC6, 2, _buff);
ac6 = ((uint16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((uint16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_B1, 2, _buff);
b1 = ((int16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_B2, 2, _buff);
b2 = ((int16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_MB, 2, _buff);
mb = ((int16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_MC, 2, _buff);
mc = ((int16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int16_t)_buff[1]));
readmem(CAL_MD, 2, _buff);
md = ((int16_t)_buff[0] <<8 | ((int16_t)_buff[1]));
void BMP085::writemem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _val) {
Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device
Wire.write(_addr); // send register address
Wire.write(_val); // send value to write
Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission
void BMP085::readmem(uint8_t _addr, uint8_t _nbytes, uint8_t __buff[]) {
Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device
Wire.write(_addr); // sends register address to read from
Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission
Wire.beginTransmission(_dev_address); // start transmission to device
Wire.requestFrom(_dev_address, _nbytes);// send data n-bytes read
uint8_t i = 0;
while (Wire.available()) {
__buff[i] =; // receive DATA
Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission
// Weather Station
// PaulRB
// Jan 2014
// Fine Offset Wind sensor: 1 rev/sec = 1.49 mph
// Fine Offset Rain guage: 1 tip = 0.3 mm
#define LDR A0
#define windDirPin A1
#define windSpeedPin D2
#define rainGuagePin D3
#define LED D7
BMP085 dps = BMP085();
char BMP085Pressure[10], BMP085Temperature[10], SHT21humidity[10], SHT21Temperature[10], lightLevel[10], windSpd[10], windDir[10], rainFall[10];
//Windspeed sensor's resistance values:
//N: 3.9K
//NNE: 3.1K
//NE: 16K
//ENE: 14.1K
//E: 120K
//ESE: 42.2K
//SE: 65.2K
//SSE: 21.9K
//S: 33K
//SSW: 6.6K
//SW: 8.2K
//WSW: 0.9K
//W: 1K
//WNW: 0.7K
//NW: 2.2K
//NNW: 1.4K
const int dirValues[17] = {144, 168, 204, 280, 368, 436, 528, 620,
708, 780, 816, 868, 908, 936, 968, 1000, 1023};
const char dirCompass[17][4] = {"WNW", "WSW", "-W-", "NNW", "N-W", "NNE", "-N-", "SSW",
"S-W", "ENE", "N-E", "SSE", "-S-", "ESE", "S-E", "-E-", "!?!"};
volatile unsigned long rainEvents = 0;
volatile unsigned long windEvents = 0;
volatile unsigned long nextRainEvent = 0;
volatile unsigned long nextWindEvent = 0;
void rainGuageEvent() {
unsigned long m = millis();
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
if (m > nextRainEvent) {
nextRainEvent = m + 10;
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
void windSpeedEvent() {
unsigned long m = millis();
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
if (m > nextWindEvent) {
nextWindEvent = m + 10;
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
unsigned long windMeasureStart;
void setup() {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
dps.init(MODE_STANDARD, 28300, true);
pinMode (LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode (LDR, INPUT);
pinMode(rainGuagePin, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(rainGuagePin, rainGuageEvent, CHANGE);
pinMode(windSpeedPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(windSpeedPin, windSpeedEvent, CHANGE);
pinMode(windDirPin, INPUT);
windMeasureStart = millis();
windEvents = 0;
Spark.variable("temp1", &BMP085Temperature, STRING);
Spark.variable("press", &BMP085Pressure, STRING);
Spark.variable("temp2", &SHT21Temperature, STRING);
Spark.variable("humid", &SHT21humidity, STRING);
Spark.variable("light", &lightLevel, STRING);
Spark.variable("wspeed", &windSpd, STRING);
Spark.variable("wdir", &windDir, STRING);
Spark.variable("rain", &rainFall, STRING);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
sprintf(SHT21humidity, "%.1f%%", SHT2x.GetHumidity());
sprintf(SHT21Temperature, "%.1fC", SHT2x.GetTemperature());
int32_t x;
sprintf(BMP085Pressure, "%.1fHPa", x / 100.0);
sprintf(BMP085Temperature, "%.1fC", x / 10.0);
sprintf(lightLevel, "%0.1f%%", analogRead(LDR) / 40.96);
x = analogRead(windDirPin);
x = x >>2;
int i = 0;
while (x > dirValues[i]) i++;
sprintf(windDir, "%s", dirCompass[i]);
unsigned long now = millis();
if (now >= windMeasureStart + 5000) {
sprintf(windSpd, "%0.1fmph", 1490.0 * windEvents / (4.0 * (now - windMeasureStart)) );
windMeasureStart = now;
windEvents = 0;
//Serial.print (" % Rain "); Serial.print (3 * 1000 / rainRate / 10);
//Serial.print (" mm/hr Wind "); Serial.print (1490 / windSpeed);
sprintf(rainFall, "%ld", rainEvents);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
Maybe I should have started a separate thread for this, in which case I apologies. It just feels related to me.
Yeah probably a new thread for this one would be proper. Just a quick look… your while(Wire.available())'s probably need some kind of timeout, and the delay(100); should be after then endTransmission() … correct me if I’m wrong @timb
For your timeouts, you could easily use the millis() function and just timeout after 100ms maybe? I dunno that seems like a long time… but certainly it’s not going to hang your Core up if you added it.
uint32_t startTime = millis();
while(Wire.available() < 3 && (millis() - startTime) < 100) {
; //wait
uint32_t startTime = millis();
while(Wire.available() && (millis() - startTime) < 100) {
; //wait
It works! It actually iterates very quickly, so we shouldn't have any blocking issues. After some extensive testing, it seems the scans result table is updated every 60 seconds by default on the Core. I'm thinking it might make sense for the function to check a timestamp when called and—if 60 seconds hasn't passed—we just return the previous results. Perhaps the function could return a true or false value as well to let you know the "freshness" of the results? (I can see this coming in handy to pulse the RGB LED another color briefly in your *LED Pulsing RSSI Meter" script, or to have the signal bars animate somehow on an OLED/GLCD when a new reading comes in.)
The code's a mess, so I'll clean it up and post it this afternoon. But as you can see, she is working!
Thanks to some intricate rework performed by Mohit @ Spark Central, there are CC3000 debug logs now being generated. I’ve uploaded the first set to the TI thread and have another test running right now to capture additional failures.