Well, the photon is staying connected now but as you said my program might not work.
It is sort of working… when I touch the sensor it changes the color like it should on the neopixel 16 ring but from what i see in the console it never publishes any event related to color
Do you have suggestions for your conveince i had put the code here
#include "application.h"
#include "captouch.h"
#include "neopixel/neopixel.h"
//PRODUCT_ID and PRODUCT_VERSION required for Particle's "Products" feature
CapTouch Touch(D3, D4);
#define PIXEL_COUNT 60
#define PIXEL_PIN D2
#define PIXEL_TYPE WS2812
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN, PIXEL_TYPE);
// User Variables
uint32_t decayTime = 2835; // Start dimming light after elapsed seconds
uint32_t decayDelay = 3; // Seconds between decay fade-out steps
uint8_t nightHours[2] = {6, 21}; // Night mode starts at nightHours[1], ends at nightHours[0]
uint8_t duskHours[2] = { 7, 19 }; // Dusk mode starts at duskHours[1], ends at duskHours[0]. Needs to be inside nightHours' times.
// Day mode starts at duskHours[0], ends at duskHours[1]
uint16_t maxDayBrightness = 180; // 0 - 255, lamp will not exceed this during the day
uint16_t maxDuskBrightness = 70; // 0 - 255, lamp will not exceed this during dusk
uint16_t maxNightBrightness = 20; // 0 - 255, lamp will not exceed this during the night
float fadeRate = 0.95; // Fireworks Variable: 0.01-0.99, controls decay speed
// End User Variables
double lastColorUpdate = 0; // Epoch of last color update (local or remote)
String colorFromID; // String, Tracks who sent the color (for debug)
uint16_t colorRecieved; // 0 - 255, Tracks the color received from another lamp
bool lampOn = 0; // Tracks if the lamp is lit
uint8_t activeColor = 0; // 0 - 255, Tracks what color is currently active (start at red)
uint8_t activeR = 255; // 0 - 255, Red component of activeColor;
uint8_t activeG = 0; // 0 - 255, Green component of activeColor;
uint8_t activeB = 0; // 0 - 255, Blue component of activeColor;
double lastDecayDelay = 0; // Time Tracker for decayDelay
uint16_t lampBrightness = 0; // 0 - 255, Tracks current lamp brightness
uint16_t maxBrightness = maxDayBrightness; // Assigned the current max brightness
uint8_t dayTrack = 0; // Track day/dusk/night condition
uint8_t fadeColor = 0; // Track color for special events
byte activePixels = 0; // Tracks number of active pixels, 0 is first pixel
float redStates[PIXEL_COUNT]; // Fireworks Variable
float blueStates[PIXEL_COUNT]; // Fireworks Variable
float greenStates[PIXEL_COUNT]; // Fireworks Variable
uint8_t heartbeatDirector = 0; // Heartbeat Tracking
uint8_t heartbeatColor = 0; // Heartbeat Tracking
CapTouch::Event touchEvent;
void setup() {
rainbowFull(5, 0); // 5ms Delay, 0 is fade in
rainbowFull(5, 2); // 5ms Delay, 2 is fade out
//Listen for other lamps to send a particle.publish()
Particle.subscribe("FamiLamp_Update", gotColorUpdate, MY_DEVICES);
void loop() {
touchEvent = Touch.getEvent();
if (touchEvent == CapTouch::TouchEvent) {
if (Time.now() - lastColorUpdate > decayTime && lampOn == 1) {
if (Time.now() - lastDecayDelay >= decayDelay) {
lastDecayDelay = Time.now();
// Special idle functions
if (lampOn == 0) {
// Christmas Day
if (Time.day() == 25 && Time.month() == 12) {
idleColorFader(0, 85);
// St. Patricks Day
if (Time.day() == 17 && Time.month() == 3) {
// Valentines Day
if (Time.day() == 14 && Time.month() == 2) {
// 4th of July
if ( Time.day() == 4 && Time.month() == 7 ) {
// New Years Day
if ( Time.day() == 1 && Time.month() == 1 ) {
// Birthdays
if (
(Time.day() == 22 && Time.month() == 2) ||
(Time.day() == 24 && Time.month() == 2)
) {
// Unassigned Heartbeat
/*if (Time.day() == 25 && Time.month() == 1) {
// Clear any previous day's special idles
if (lampBrightness != 0 && Time.hour() == 0 && Time.minute() == 0 && Time.second() <= 3) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 0);
lampBrightness = 0;
void whileTouching() {
byte previousBrightness = lampBrightness; // Store the previous brightness in case we need it later
uint16_t pixelBrightness = lampBrightness; // Tracks the given pixel's brightness. Needs to track > 255, so uint16_t
uint8_t testColor = activeColor; // Start with the current color
activePixels = 0;
while (touchEvent != CapTouch::ReleaseEvent) {
for (byte i = 0; i <= activePixels; i++) {
pixelBrightness = lampBrightness + i; //Fade to full brightness
if (pixelBrightness > maxBrightness) pixelBrightness = maxBrightness; //catch overflow
// "activePixels - i" reverses the direction
strip.setPixelColor(activePixels - i, wheelColor(((i * 60 / strip.numPixels()) + testColor) & 255, pixelBrightness)); // "& 255" AKA bitwise and prevents overflow
testColor++; //because testColor is uint8_t, automatically loops at 256
if (activePixels < (strip.numPixels() - 1)) activePixels++; //Add 1 for next iteration, but prevent looping around
if (lampBrightness < maxBrightness) lampBrightness++;
touchEvent = Touch.getEvent();
if (activePixels >= (strip.numPixels() - 10)) {
lampOn = 1;
activeColor = testColor;
lastColorUpdate = Time.now();
} else {
lampBrightness = previousBrightness;
void sendColorUpdate() {
String sColor = String(activeColor);
Particle.publish("FamiLamp_Update", System.deviceID() + "~" + sColor, 60, PRIVATE);
void gotColorUpdate(const char *name, const char *data) {
String str = String(data);
char strBuffer[40] = "";
str.toCharArray(strBuffer, 40);
colorFromID = strtok(strBuffer, "~");
colorRecieved = atof(strtok(NULL, "~"));
lampBrightness = maxBrightness;
String sColorRecieved = String(colorRecieved);
Particle.publish("Color_Recieved", System.deviceID() + "~" + sColorRecieved);
lampOn = 1;
lastColorUpdate = Time.now();
void setColorOld(byte c, byte ) { // c is color. This function does a smooth fade new color. Deprecated for new setColor()
if (((Time.month() * Time.day()) % 256) == c) { // Semi-random formula to trigger easter egg
} else {
uint8_t newR, newG, newB, startR, startG, startB, endR, endG, endB;
uint32_t color = wheelColor(c, lampBrightness);
endR = (uint8_t)((color >> 16) & 0xff); // Splits out new color into separate R, G, B
endG = (uint8_t)((color >> 8) & 0xff);
endB = (uint8_t)(color & 0xff);
for (uint16_t fade = 0; fade < 255; fade++) {
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < strip.numPixels(); j++) {
long startRGB = strip.getPixelColor(j); // Get pixel's current color
startR = (uint8_t)((startRGB >> 16) & 0xff); // Splits out current color into separate R, G, B
startG = (uint8_t)((startRGB >> 8) & 0xff);
startB = (uint8_t)(startRGB & 0xff);
newR = startR + (endR - startR) * fade / 255; // Color mixer
newG = startG + (endG - startG) * fade / 255;
newB = startB + (endB - startB) * fade / 255;
strip.setPixelColor(j, newR, newG, newB);
activeColor = c;
void setColor(byte c) { // c is color. This function does a "random dither" to set the new color
if (((Time.month() * Time.day()) % 256) == c) { // Semi-random formula to trigger easter egg
} else {
// Determine highest bit needed to represent pixel index
uint32_t color = wheelColor(c, lampBrightness);
int hiBit = 0;
int n = strip.numPixels() - 1;
for (int bit = 1; bit < 0x8000; bit <<= 1) {
if (n & bit) hiBit = bit;
int bit, reverse;
for (int i = 0; i < (hiBit << 1); i++) {
// Reverse the bits in i to create ordered dither:
reverse = 0;
for (bit = 1; bit <= hiBit; bit <<= 1) {
reverse <<= 1;
if (i & bit) reverse |= 1;
strip.setPixelColor(reverse, color);
activeColor = c;
void extinguish() { //Dims the lamp by one unit until lampBrightness is 0 and lampOn is 0
uint32_t color = wheelColor(activeColor, lampBrightness);
for (byte j = 0; j <= strip.numPixels(); j++) {
strip.setPixelColor(j, color);
if (lampBrightness <= 0) {
lampOn = 0; //If the lamp is completely off, set lampOn to 0
lampBrightness = 0; // Make sure this number isn't negative somehow
uint32_t wheelColor(uint16_t WheelPos, uint16_t iBrightness) {
float R, G, B;
float brightness = iBrightness / 255.0;
if (WheelPos < 85) {
R = WheelPos * 3;
G = 255 - WheelPos * 3;
B = 0;
} else if (WheelPos < 170) {
WheelPos -= 85;
R = 255 - WheelPos * 3;
G = 0;
B = WheelPos * 3;
} else {
WheelPos -= 170;
R = 0;
G = WheelPos * 3;
B = 255 - WheelPos * 3;
activeR = R * brightness;// + .5;
activeG = G * brightness;// + .5;
activeB = B * brightness;// + .5;
return strip.Color((byte) activeR, (byte) activeG, (byte) activeB);
void rainbowFull(byte wait, byte fade) {
uint16_t i, j, k;
if (fade == 0) k = 0;
else k = maxBrightness;
for (j = 0; j <= 255; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) {
strip.setPixelColor((strip.numPixels() - 1) - i, wheelColor(((i * 60 / strip.numPixels()) + j) & 255, k));
if (fade == 0 && k < maxBrightness) {
if (fade == 2 && k > 0) {
void rainbowEasterEgg() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= strip.numPixels(); i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, wheelColor((i * 256 / strip.numPixels()) & 255, lampBrightness));
void dayTracking() {
if (Time.hour() < nightHours[0] || Time.hour() >= nightHours[1]) { // Night hours
if (dayTrack != 2) {
maxBrightness = maxNightBrightness;
if (lampBrightness > maxBrightness) lampBrightness = maxBrightness;
dayTrack = 2;
} else if (Time.hour() < duskHours[0] || Time.hour() >= duskHours[1]) { // Dusk hours
if (dayTrack != 1) {
maxBrightness = maxDuskBrightness;
if (lampBrightness > maxBrightness) lampBrightness = maxBrightness;
dayTrack = 1;
} else { // Everything else is day
if (dayTrack != 0) {
maxBrightness = maxDayBrightness;
if (lampBrightness > maxBrightness) lampBrightness = maxBrightness;
dayTrack = 0;
void idleColorFader(uint8_t c1, uint8_t c2) {
lampBrightness = 40;
if ( maxBrightness < lampBrightness ) {
lampBrightness = maxBrightness;
uint16_t currR, currG, currB, endR, endG, endB;
uint32_t color = wheelColor(fadeColor, lampBrightness);
endR = (uint16_t)((color >> 16) & 0xff); // Splits out new color into separate R, G, B
endG = (uint16_t)((color >> 8) & 0xff);
endB = (uint16_t)(color & 0xff);
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < activePixels; j++) {
long startRGB = strip.getPixelColor(j); // Get pixel's current color
currR = (uint16_t)((startRGB >> 16) & 0xff); // Splits out current color into separate R, G, B
currG = (uint16_t)((startRGB >> 8) & 0xff);
currB = (uint16_t)(startRGB & 0xff);
if ( currR > endR ) {
currR = currR - 1;
} else if ( currR < endR ) {
currR = currR + 1;
} else {
currR = endR;
if ( currG > endG ) {
currG = currG - 1;
} else if ( currG < endG ) {
currG = currG + 1;
} else {
currG = endG;
if ( currB > endB ) {
currB = currB - 1;
} else if ( currB < endB ) {
currB = currB + 1;
} else {
currB = endB;
//Catch overflows
currR %= 255;
currG %= 255;
currB %= 255;
strip.setPixelColor(j, currR, currG, currB);
if ( j >= strip.numPixels() - 1 && endR == currR && endG == currG && endB == currB) {
if ( fadeColor == c1 ) {
fadeColor = c2;
} else {
fadeColor = c1;
activePixels = 0;
if ( activePixels < strip.numPixels() ) activePixels++;
void idleFireworks(uint8_t w) {
// w = 0 for mulitcolor, w = 1 for all white flashes
lampBrightness = 40;
if ( maxBrightness < lampBrightness ) {
lampBrightness = maxBrightness;
if (random(20) == 1) {
uint16_t i = random(strip.numPixels());
if (redStates[i] < 1 && greenStates[i] < 1 && blueStates[i] < 1) {
if (w == 0) {
redStates[i] = random(lampBrightness);
greenStates[i] = random(lampBrightness);
blueStates[i] = random(lampBrightness);
} else {
redStates[i] = lampBrightness;
greenStates[i] = lampBrightness;
blueStates[i] = lampBrightness;
for (uint16_t l = 0; l < strip.numPixels(); l++) {
if (redStates[l] > 1 || greenStates[l] > 1 || blueStates[l] > 1) {
strip.setPixelColor(l, redStates[l], greenStates[l], blueStates[l]);
if (redStates[l] > 1) {
redStates[l] = redStates[l] * fadeRate;
} else {
redStates[l] = 0;
if (greenStates[l] > 1) {
greenStates[l] = greenStates[l] * fadeRate;
} else {
greenStates[l] = 0;
if (blueStates[l] > 1) {
blueStates[l] = blueStates[l] * fadeRate;
} else {
blueStates[l] = 0;
} else {
strip.setPixelColor(l, 0, 0, 0);
void idleDisco() {
lampBrightness = 20;
if ( maxBrightness < lampBrightness ) {
lampBrightness = maxBrightness;
for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) {
int randr = random(0, lampBrightness);
int randg = random(0, lampBrightness);
int randb = random(0, lampBrightness);
int randi = random(0, (strip.numPixels() - 1));
strip.setPixelColor(randi, randr, randg, randb);
void idleColorFlicker(uint8_t c) {
lampBrightness = 20;
if ( maxBrightness < lampBrightness ) {
lampBrightness = maxBrightness;
uint32_t color = wheelColor(c, lampBrightness);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) {
uint8_t flicker = random(0, 10);
int flickerR = (uint16_t)((color >> 16) & 0xff) - flicker; // Splits out new color into separate R, G, B
int flickerG = (uint16_t)((color >> 8) & 0xff) - flicker;
int flickerB = (uint16_t)(color & 0xff) - flicker;
if (flickerR < 0) flickerR = 0;
if (flickerG < 0) flickerG = 0;
if (flickerB < 0) flickerB = 0;
strip.setPixelColor(i, flickerR, flickerG, flickerB);
void idleHeartbeat() {
lampBrightness = 20;
if ( maxBrightness < lampBrightness ) {
lampBrightness = maxBrightness;
uint8_t endColor = 0;
if ( heartbeatDirector == 0 ) {
endColor = lampBrightness * 0.6;
} else if ( heartbeatDirector == 1 ) {
endColor = lampBrightness * 0.2;
} else if ( heartbeatDirector == 2 ) {
endColor = lampBrightness;
} else if ( heartbeatDirector == 3 ) {
endColor = lampBrightness * 0.12;
} else {
//do nothing, this will delay
if ( heartbeatColor < endColor ) {
for (int j = heartbeatColor; j < endColor; j += 4) {
for (int i = 25; i < 35; i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, j, 0, 0);
} else if ( heartbeatColor > endColor ) {
for (int j = heartbeatColor; j > endColor; j--) {
for (int i = 25; i < 35; i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, j, 0, 0);
} else {
heartbeatColor = endColor;
heartbeatDirector %= 4;