Unfortunately LTE Cat M1 is not available in Mexico at this time.
Orders that contained a Boron LTE should have received an email warning about that and an offer to switch to the 2G/3G, as originally we thought LTE Cat M1 would be available in Mexico.
Hi! I am also interested in using a Boron LTE M1 in Mexico. I was wondering if it is possible to use a 3rd-party SIM like it is possible with the Electron. Currently, Mexico does have LTE M1 through AT&T (coverage may vary by city, but it is definitely available in most places)
This is intended only for using the Boron LTE as a standalone device, not as a mesh gateway.
It’s not possible to set up a Boron LTE as a mesh gateway using the mobile app with a 3rd-party SIM card at this time. There is a workaround, however you must also have an Ethernet FeatherWing.
That’s great news. I intend to use the Boron as a standalone device for my application. I will give it a shot and post my findings in case it’s of help to someone else.