Are Boron LTE only available in lots of 50 now?
Is anyone using Boron LTE in a commercial product now?
Yes, trays of 50 Borons are available in the Particle Wholesale Store. Note, this is different than the consumer Particle Store.
I purchased a tray of 50 North American LTE Borons a month back but they are currently showing an extended lead time (12-16 weeks). You may want to contact Particle directly to see what they can do.
As for commercial use, I am currently deploying these devices to parks and will be using the Boron for new placements and to replace existing Electrons over the next couple years. A lot has been changing for the Boron in the past couple months but, with deviceOS@1.5.0 the Boron is able to be deployed for Solar implementations. I would recommend you to thorough testing and make sure it meets your needs of course.
I am glad you asked this question and look forward to seeing what other members of the community say.
Thank you @chipmc
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