I am trying to make a particle app that can communicate with a Flutter app. I am using both my own built flutter app and the NRF app while developing the particle code. When I try to write a value to my SCharacteristic it seems like my onDataReceived app is not being called. However I do get the following error from the particle serial monitor:
0001066308 [wiring.ble] ERROR: Peer device is missing!
Hoping I have done something stupid and just left something out. Any troubleshooting help would be greatly appreciated.
#include "Particle.h"
SerialLogHandler logHandler(LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
const unsigned long UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 2000;
unsigned long lastUpdate = 0;
const BleUuid serviceUuid("5c1b9a0d-b5be-4a40-8f7a-66b36d0a5176");
BleCharacteristic WeightCharacteristic("Weight", BleCharacteristicProperty::NOTIFY, BleUuid("b8dfe276-54d4-4e5b-8daa-252157d0e1a9"), serviceUuid);
BleCharacteristic SCharacteristic("S", BleCharacteristicProperty::WRITE_WO_RSP, BleUuid("0554102a-5399-4f1c-9e56-6a071dddd4b8"), serviceUuid, onDataReceived, NULL);
float lastValue = 37.0;
void setup()
(void)logHandler; // Does nothing, just to eliminate the unused variable warning
String id = System.deviceID();
SCharacteristic.onDataReceived(onDataReceived, NULL);
BleAdvertisingData advData;
Serial.println("setup complete");
void update_ble_characteristic(BleCharacteristic c, float v){
int32_t newValue = int32_t(v*1000);
void loop()
if (millis() - lastUpdate >= UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS){
lastUpdate = millis();
if (BLE.connected()){
float value = lastValue;
update_ble_characteristic(WeightCharacteristic, value);
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
value += 0.1;
update_ble_characteristic(WeightCharacteristic, value);
void onDataReceived(const uint8_t* data, size_t len, const BlePeerDevice& peer, void* context) {
Serial.println("Data Incoming");
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) {
I fear the device ID plus the service UUID will not fit in your advertising data (unless you use BLE_PHYS_CODED which is not supported by many devices yet).
With a 16 byte UUID in the advertising data your local name should not be longer than 8 characters.
With a slightly altered code which uses a shorter name I get the data just fine.
Testing your peripheral with an app like nRF Connect often helps debugging.
With the long name the device was not discoverable for the app.
Interesting point, I do see that my device name is being truncated. However I am still able to detect and read the notifying characteristic. The only problem is the write characteristic. Are you also able to write to the write characteristic?
I will shorten my device name and test on NRF again.