BLE_SIG_UUIDS? Where are they defined?


There’s a very useful example here of the firmware for a health thermometer…

The BLE UUID is defined like this

// The "Health Thermometer" service is 0x1809.
// See
BleUuid healthThermometerService(BLE_SIG_UUID_HEALTH_THERMONETER_SVC);

What I’d love to know is where these values like “BLE_SIG_UUID_HEALTH_THERMONETER_SVC” are defined, is it in the device OS? Are they listed somewhere? I don’t think that it could be based on the GATT definitions because this one includes a typo “Thermoneter” that isn’t used anywhere on the GATT website and if you correct the typo the value isn’t recognised.

I’m sure I could use the assigned numbers, but I thought that an answer to this question would improve particle’s documentation for other developers.


@VolitionComponents, it is defined along with many other BLE UUIDs in a DeviceOS file device-os\hal\inc\ble_hal_defines.h as:

    BLE_SIG_UUID_HEALTH_THERMONETER_SVC                     = 0x1809, /**< Health Thermometer Service UUID */
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