There is a library written by a Particle Solution Architect that provides for 1 central and 3 peripheral BLE devices in a group. It uses BLE to support a pub/sub relationship between devices. I have been able to build a BLE network (this is not BLE Mesh) using this library and it works pretty well. I am not going any further with this however because the limitation of 3 peripheral devices (due to memory) just would not support what I wanted to do - discussed with Particle and the memory issue is a device OS compile time thing and they don’t want to expand it and then reduce available memory. It is however a much simpler and hence more predictable network topology than mesh which can become very difficult with large numbers of end node devices. The link setup time is very quick although the bandwidth is only 55KB/s maximum with the most optimal message size. The topic link is here Library for creating a local group of devices using BLE
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