BLE - Getting started help

Have you tried it? VS Code IntelliSense is not always understanding the code correctly and hence may flag syntax that's otherwise perfectly fine :wink:
But in this case you cannot just call a method without its contining object. getCharacteristicByUUID belongs to a BlePeerDevice object and hence you have to call it like

Log.trace(peer.getCharacteristicByUUID(yourCharacteristicsObjectVariable, yourDesiredCharacteristicsUuidObjectVariable))

(this will only print the bool return value of the function call tho')

Without a connected peer that "owns" that charactersitic and is "willing" to grant you access to it, you won't get to it.

e.g. look at the linked header file (lines #446 - owning class - and #469 - method definition).

a quick breakdown

  BleUuid foundServiceUuid;       // this can only hold *one* service UUID
  // scan for one and only one service UUID (for devices which expose more an array and its extent want to be passed in
  size_t svcCount = scanResults[ii].advertisingData.serviceUUID(&foundServiceUuid, 1);
  // svcCount can be 0 (no services found) or 1 (since we only scanned for one)

  Log.trace("Found %d services", svcCount);
  for (int i = 0; i < svcCount; i++) 
    Log.trace("Service %d, UUID: %s", i, (const char*)foundServiceUuid.toString());