Hello all, this is just a basic conceptual question. I am just learning about how the Xenons and Borons can communicate via Mesh.subscribe and Mesh.publish(event_name, event_data). I understand there can only be 5 subscribed events within each Mesh network. And that event_name consists of a prefix and suffix. When you subscribe you only subscribe to the prefix.
How do you identify a Xenon? I know you can use https://docs.particle.io/reference/device-os/firmware/xenon/#get-device-name
However that relies on contacting the cloud. Is there another way that a Xenon can identify itself? I don’t want to have to send unique code to each Xenon. Unique meaning that the only difference is a variable called myName = “Xenon 5”;
Is there any tutorial or walkthroughs on basic Mesh communication?
Anyone know how to get a device name from a device ID but not the device that is requesting the name?
I have a Mesh network of Xenons and a gateway based upon a Xenon in an ethernet featherwing; the endnode Xenons do not have cloud access but rather register themselves with the gateway as they join the mesh. I would like to publish data to the cloud with the endnode device name rather than the device ID but I can’t see an obvious way to have the gateway get the device name for another device knowing the device ID other than the subscribing to “particle/device/name” event and taking the device name from the data in the event received? If I use the cloud API then I also need the access key?
You can send the access token too.
However, it would be nice if there was a way to skip the need for the access token (or use some “internal” token shared between devices of a particular account) when a request originates from the same account.