Hi all,
I’m having trouble connecting the Particle and the Argon to my Azure IoT Hub.
Even when I’m using the example code from the AzureIotHubClient library both, the Particle and the Argon, are crashing directly after flashing the code.
I’ve already tried to switch the keys/ connection strings of the IoT devices in Azure, add a new IoT device in Azure and also tried to connect the Particle/Argon to a different Azure IoT Hub - nothing works.
But what really irritates me is that I’ve tested the code with another Photon and on this one it is working perfectly fine. Now, after 2 days of trying I don’t know what else I could try and hope you guys might have a solution.
I’m using the AzureIotHubClient version 2.1.0 and the ArduinoJson 5.13.5.
Many thanks in advance!
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "ArduinoJson.h"
#include "AzureIotHubClient.h"
#define CONNECTON_STRING "<Your Azure IoT Hub or Azure IoT Central Connection String>"
int count = 0;
int msgId = 0;
char telemetryBuffer[256];
void setup()
void loop()
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
//loop returns true if connected to Azure IoT Hub
if (hub.loop())
if (count++ % 25 == 0)
Serial.printf("msg id: %d\n", msgId);
delay(20); // allow for a short blink before turning led off
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
char *telemetryToJson()
/* https://arduinojson.org/
use to calculate JSON_OBJECT_SIZE https://arduinojson.org/v5/assistant/
Have allowed for a few extra json fields that actually being used at the moment
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(12) + 200);
JsonObject &root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
root["deviceid"] = hub.getDeviceId();
root["temp"] = 20 + random(-3, 3); // random temperature for sample
root["humidity"] = 70 + random(-20, 20);
root["pressure"] = 1080 + random(-100, 100);
root["light"] = 50 + random(-50, 50);
root["geo"] = "Sydney";
root["utc"] = Time.format(Time.now(), TIME_FORMAT_ISO8601_FULL).c_str();
root["mem"] = System.freeMemory();
root["id"] = ++msgId;
root["schema"] = 1;
root.printTo(telemetryBuffer, sizeof(telemetryBuffer));
return telemetryBuffer;