ArduinoJson for the web IDE

I’m trying to get the Weather Library for Spark-Core ( @Coffee 's openweathermap-spark-lib) and I can’t get it to work neither locally or preferably on the web IDE. The main problem seems to lay with the ArduinoJson library which is difficult to implement. It would be great to have the ArduinoJson availible in the web IDE for both this project and a few others.

So have anyone here had any experience implementing the openweathermap-spark-lib, HttpClient and the ArduinoJson in the web IDE?


have a look at these, they may help

@Hootie81 Thanks, I checked them out. But sadly they did not exactly solve the problem.

Hello Felix
You can try my other project, which includes the same library.

Just remove the Transport and Display stuff in the application.ino, and you can build it with the spark-cli (see Makefile)