What is a good website for documenting my wiring on the breadboad? There is the circuito.io one but I want one that has partcile Photons. Thanks
Not really a website but you’ll find some fritzing schematics in multiple posts.
Hi Will.
I have been playing with Fritzing. It’s seems easy to use but like all things has a learning curve. I also just found this link in the particle PCB Doc’s section. Hope it helps.
Also here is the link to particle docs that discusses pcb design.
Hi Will,
I just downloaded the free version of Eagle. Going to try that for a bit and see how it works. Looks equally complicated for a noob like me. lol.
I think there are more files available for Eagle, from what I read on the previous particle post that is what they use along with sparkfun and Adafruit.
While eagle works great, it’s mostly meant to design PCBs with, not necessarily to make nice documentation of wiring. Then again, if that works for you, great
A custom PCB is my long term goal but I have so much still to learn… l agree the Fritzing program makes wire diagrams very easy. I was not sure if you could do the same in Eagle, but will find out soon enough.
Thanks for the input Moors7.