Any way to find the SSID that the Photon is connecting to?

…using the CLI if possible? I know I could write a program and download it into the Photon but dont’ want to do that! I cannot find any lease in the DHCP table for either Photon I have on this subnet so I’m thinking I’m somehow connecting to another subnet.

Alternatively, is there any way that the Photon could be on the subnet – and working – and not appear in a DHCP table or ARP table?? I can’t see how…

Thanks much.

What kind of router? I have a Linksys router and its default operating system has a terrible DHCP logging interface.
Just a thought: you could try running nmap from your subnet while the Photon is online.

Hi. The Photon definitely has an IP address or it wouldn’t be able to connect to the Particle cloud.

I also have a Linksys router. Brand new. However, I’m not relying on it to return the DHCP table. I’m also using IP Scanner Pro to scan every IP address on the subnet and dump ARP tables on Linux & Apple machines. No one has a record of an IP address in use by either Photon.

I suppose it is possible the Photons are connecting to a different wifi and therefore a different subnet but that seems super unlikely…

By the way, I’m assuming it is on-line and therefore has an IP address if it is breathing cyan.

@Tahl, have a look at the reference docs for the photon under the wifi section. SSID(), BSSID(), macaddress(), localIP(), etc return information about the wifi connection which you could output via serial or publish to the cloud.

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@UMD, yes I know about these functions. I was wondering if there was something from the command line I could do instead of writing a program and downloading it into the device then putting the old program back, etc. Thanks.

Got it.

Easiest way forward is to set a string variable, say “netinfo”, with the details you want to know and then publish it to the Particle cloud using Particle.variable(). You then have access via the console to the “netinfo” variable. This works a treat.

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