Hello guys new to particle I have a question if someone wouldn’t mind helping me out with a little information I have a Hawkeye 922 Analog Current Sensor from Veris industries Wondering if I can somehow utilize it into my particle project to monitor motor currents if anyone would help me out id appreciate it…
Welcome, A simple method is to use a resistor divider as follows:
but… the most common resistors don’t have a 5K value (based on this value range of common resistors)
You will need to change values to get the best combination.
So using 6.8K and 12K will get you a full range conversion of 5V input to a 3,19V value on the sensor pin. You will then need to include this in your code to calculate the actual values.
The accuracy will depend on the accuracy of the resistors so 1% tolerance once should be used where possible.
This method will produce reasonably accurate conversions. If you need high accuracy then you will need to investigate Op-Amps or similar, which is a bit beyond here.
ok thanks shanevanj can you guide me to wiring it up to the xenon just to make sure im doing it right
How about you show how you’d be wiring it and we can check if it’s correct?
hello sorry for the late reply been busy anyway i think i figured it out…wire - to ground wire and +5v to A0 through the resistor divider.
so i have another question could i use logic level converter Bi-Directional 3.3V-5V shifter modules?
As far as I can tell these are purely digital level shifters, so for your analog signal you cannot use them.
Ok thanks for the advice
so am i doing the wiring right for the current transducer i listed above?
A schematic (including resistor values) would always be factors better than a verbal description.
You may also want to state the actual currents you intend to measure. Depending on that compared to the range of the sensor you may even get away without the voltage divider as long the measured current won’t exceed 60% of the rated current.
If you cannot be sure the current won’t always be less than 65% you could protect the input with a 3V Zener diode instead of the voltage divider.
Show us a sketch of how you are working this - as @ScruffR says - verbal descriptions are always subject to interpretation....with sometimes expensive results.
@connectfarm, are you using 1 OHM and 2 OHM resistors? This will produce a current draw of 1.7 Amps on the source (5v) supply!!!
I suggest you consider using 1.2K OHM and 2.2K OHM resistors (both common values) to obtain a maximum 3.2v output when the source is at 5v. The resulting current draw will be 1.5mA on the source.
sorry about the misunderstanding that should be 1 k-ohms and 2 k-ohms
This does not show the Hawkeye 922 Analog Current Sensor and how its connected - this is the crux of the problem and it cannot beloved without the right information !