Can you also show us how you set the library up to read the four GPIOs?
Just for brevity you could write you loop like this too
for (int i = 0; i < ADC_BUFFER_LENGTH;)
ADC_Value1 += samples[i++];
ADC_Value2 += samples[i++];
ADC_Value3 += samples[i++];
ADC_Value4 += samples[i++];
and I’d rather use float ADC_Value[4] instead of four independent variables.
To debug the issue, you may want to keep track of the actual address you get from bufferReady to see whether this stays the same over time (IIRC, with double buffering it should flip flop between two constant values).
I’ve never seen that happen, but I don’t regularly use multiple pin mode. Once multiple pins are enabled the nRF52 hardware takes over so there isn’t really any code that I can think of that would cause that to happen. Everything is done at the buffer level in the library, not at the per-sample level, so I’m not sure how it could get out of sync due to a library error.
However, if I recall correctly, the ADCs are just sampled into sequential DMA locations until the buffer is full, so if one was missed or added, then it does seem like the samples would end up being shifted by a position after that. But as far as I know, that shouldn’t happen.
So I did some investigating.
So I forgot that I was using the BLE UART Service. I am using the BLE UART that Ricckas7 posted (Thanks) to try interact with my device via BLE UART from my phone and instead of having to connect to device via a USB/UART Terminal.
I disabled that and the ADC readings seem to work fine. I turned the BLE UART service back on and then the the readings were all messed up again.
I looked through the documentation and it states that a Hardware Timer needs to be used. By default it should be using NFC. I am not trying to use NFC in my application.
I tried to select different timers with .withHardwareTimer(4), .withHardwareTimer(NRF_TIMER4), .withHardwareTimer(NFC) and nothing seems to work.
Is there a way to use the BLE UART service and ADC DMA on multiple pins?
If anyone has suggestions, please let me know.
That’s a good clue. The BLE radio runs at a high interrupt priority, and i’d guess it has to do with interrupts being delayed for long enough to drop a sample. I’m not sure how to fix that, but that would certainly explain that sort of behavior. It might be as simple as adjusting interrupt priority for the ADC DMA, but that’s just a guess. And it might not be that at all, but it’s certainly plausible.
I have been thinking. Could I just use the small method on one particular pin and then when the device is supposed to process the captured reading set it up for a different pin and run the ADC again? I could just cycle back through the IO one at a time. I will have to try it.
I did work on this and I was able to use the DMA method so that the device will sample on just one ADC pin, and then once the callback occurs, another ADC pin will be initialized and used for the next required sampling period. This seems to work well and I can get the BLE UART service to operate as well.