3rd Party Simcard

Hi, I have two Boron LTE modules and I went through the below process on both in order to use 3rd party simcards

I am able to connect to the network in one of the boron modules and the other one is not connecting. Both has the same Device OS version 2.0.1 and I flashed the same code in both of them. What can be the issue?

The only difference between them is I bought one a few months earlier than the other. Possible difference in modem firmware?

We do not recommend using the Boron LTE outside of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

LTE Cat M1 often requires a special modem profile. The initial batch of SARA-R410M-02B modem modules did not have support for European profile (AT+UMNOPROF=100), so if you are in Europe that could be a reason.

Certain carriers require device certification in order to use their network. Verizon in the United States is one. If you use a Verizon SIM or a carrier that supports Verizon (like Hologram), it will work for a little while, maybe a few days, until the device gets banned from the network.

Getting a cloud debug log may be helpful.

Thanks for your reply. We are from New Zealand and I checked with the carrier that they support the SARA-R410M modem. Also the old boron module has been running and logging data for more than couple of months now. It is the new module that is having issues.

I did cloud debug as you suggested and the working module has an older modem firmware 5.06 (Feb 2018) vs the newer module that is not connecting 5.08 (Apr 2019). See below. Is that causing the issue? If so, is there anyway to downgrade the modem firmware? Thanks

cloud debug log

Old module - Connecting

0000075414 [app] INFO: manufacturer: u-blox
0000075438 [app] INFO: model: SARA-R410M-02B
0000075455 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: PPP phase -> 9
0000075456 [app] INFO: firmware version: L0. [Feb 03 2018 13:00:41]
0000075474 [app] INFO: ordering code: SARA-R410M-02B
0000075489 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: IFACE_UP -> IFACE_LINK_UP
0000075490 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: PPP thread event UP
0000075490 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: State CONNECTING -> CONNECTED
0000075491 [net.pppncp] TRACE: Negotiated MTU: 1500
0000075492 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: IFACE_LINK_UP -> IP_CONFIGURED
0000075492 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: PPP phase -> 10

New module - Not connecting

0000033391 [app] INFO: manufacturer: u-blox
0000033397 [app] INFO: model: SARA-R410M-02B
0000033404 [app] INFO: firmware version: L0. [Apr 17 2019 19:34:02]
0000033410 [app] INFO: ordering code: SARA-R410M-02B
0000033416 [app] INFO: IMEI: 354444118148230
0000033422 [app] INFO: IMSI: u-blox
0000033428 [app] INFO: ICCID: 8964050087217353155
0000033429 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:10
0000033429 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000033431 [app] INFO: Battery state: charging, SoC: 100.00
0000039551 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG?
0000039556 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2,2
0000039559 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, searching (2)
0000039556 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000043429 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:20
0000043429 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000043431 [app] INFO: Battery state: charging, SoC: 100.00
0000053429 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:30
0000053429 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000053431 [app] INFO: Battery state: charging, SoC: 100.00
0000054557 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG?
0000054563 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2,2
0000054565 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, searching (2)
0000054563 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000063429 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:40
0000063429 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000063431 [app] INFO: Battery state: charging, SoC: 100.00
0000069664 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG?
0000069669 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2,2
0000069671 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, searching (2)
0000069669 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000073429 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:50
0000073429 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000073431 [app] INFO: Battery state: charging, SoC: 100.00
0000083429 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 01:00
0000083429 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000083431 [app] INFO: Battery state: charging, SoC: 100.00
0000084470 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CIMI
0000084478 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000084578 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 0
0000084580 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, not searching (0)
0000084678 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG?
0000084685 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2,0
0000084687 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, not searching (0)
0000084685 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000089852 [app.help] INFO: No compatible carriers found (searching for 01:00)

It is possible that you are running into this issue. It was originally reported specifically when using Telstra SIMs on a Boron LTE, which work with 1.5.x but not 2.0.x, sometimes.

While you essentially cannot change the modem firmware you can try rolling back Device OS to 1.5.2 and seeing if that resolves the problem until there is an updated version of Device OS with the fix.

Hi @Karthik , @rickkas7

Was wondering was there was any further progress on this. I am from New Zealand as well, facing the same problem. I had rolled back the device OS to 1.5.2

Your device id is e00fce68ec8532de21c13612
Your system firmware version is 1.5.2

and still kept facing the same issues

0000023353 [app] INFO: deviceID: e00fce68ec8532de21c13612
0000023354 [app] INFO: PMIC inputVoltageLimit: 3880 mV
0000023355 [app] INFO: PMIC inputCurrentLimit: 500 mA
0000023356 [app] INFO: PMIC minimumSystemVoltage: 3500 mV
0000023357 [app] INFO: PMIC chargeCurrentValue: 896 mA
0000023358 [app] INFO: PMIC chargeVoltageValue: 4112 mV
0000033358 [app] INFO: modem is not yet responding
0000033362 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: PPP netif -> 8
0000033362 [hal] TRACE: Powering modem on
0000033512 [hal] TRACE: Modem powered on
0000033513 [hal] TRACE: Setting UART voltage translator state 1
0000034514 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT
0000035514 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT
0000036514 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT
0000037514 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT
0000038514 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT
0000038518 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000039518 [hal] TRACE: NCP ready to accept AT commands
0000039518 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+UGPIOC?
0000039523 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +UGPIOC:
0000039528 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000039528 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+UGPIOR=23
0000039534 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +UGPIOR: 23,0
0000039534 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000039535 [hal] INFO: Using external Nano SIM card
0000039535 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CPIN?
0000039539 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CPIN: READY
0000039540 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000039540 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CCID
0000039546 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CCID: 8964011906077311284
0000039547 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000039547 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+COPS=3,2
0000041340 [app.help] INFO: Operator Selection (COPS) Set: mode=set format (3) format=numeric (2)
0000039552 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000039552 [ncp.at] TRACE: > ATI9
0000039558 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000039559 [hal] TRACE: App firmware: 204
0000039559 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+IPR=115200
0000039568 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040569 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT
0000040572 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040572 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+IFC=2,2
0000040577 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040577 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT
0000040580 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040581 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+UMNOPROF?
0000040588 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +UMNOPROF: 2
0000041354 [app.help] INFO: Mobile Network Operator Profile (UMNOPROF): AT&T (2)
0000040588 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040589 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+URAT?
0000040596 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CME ERROR: Operation not supported
0000040596 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEDRXS?
0000040601 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEDRXS:
0000040602 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040602 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CPSMS=0
0000040607 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040607 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CMUX=0,0,,1509,,,,,
0000040614 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040715 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT
0000040766 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040766 [hal] TRACE: NCP state changed: 1
0000040766 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: PPP thread event LOWER_DOWN
0000040767 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: PPP thread event ADM_DOWN
0000040767 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: PPP thread event ADM_UP
0000040768 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: State NONE -> READY
0000040770 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","#########"
0000041373 [app.help] INFO: PDP context definition (CGDCONT): cid=1 pdpType=IP APN=#########
0000040816 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040816 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG=2
0000041377 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Set to location enabled (2)
0000040866 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040866 [hal] TRACE: NCP connection state changed: 1
0000040866 [net.ppp.client] TRACE: PPP thread event LOWER_DOWN
0000040867 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+COPS=0,2
0000041384 [app.help] INFO: Operator Selection (COPS) Set: mode=automatic (0) format=numeric (2)
0000040916 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040916 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG?
0000040966 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2,2
0000041389 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, searching (2)
0000040966 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000040967 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CGMI
0000041016 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000041016 [app] INFO: manufacturer: u-blox
0000041066 [app] INFO: model: SARA-R410M-02B
0000041117 [app] INFO: firmware version: L0. [Apr 17 2019 19:34:02]
0000041166 [app] INFO: ordering code: SARA-R410M-02B
0000041216 [app] INFO: IMEI: 354724644193150
0000041266 [app] INFO: IMSI: u-blox
0000041316 [app] INFO: ICCID: 8964011906077311284
0000041317 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:07
0000041317 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000041319 [app] INFO: Battery state: charged, SoC: 100.00
0000051317 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:17
0000051317 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000051319 [app] INFO: Battery state: charged, SoC: 100.00
0000055967 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG?
0000056016 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2,2
0000056018 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, searching (2)
0000056016 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000061317 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:27
0000061317 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000061319 [app] INFO: Battery state: charged, SoC: 100.00
0000067016 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 0
0000067019 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, not searching (0)
0000071017 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG?
0000071066 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2,0
0000071068 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, not searching (0)
0000071066 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000071317 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:37
0000071317 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000071319 [app] INFO: Battery state: charged, SoC: 100.00
0000081317 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:47
0000081317 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000081319 [app] INFO: Battery state: charged, SoC: 100.00
0000086067 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG?
0000086116 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2,0
0000086118 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, not searching (0)
0000086116 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000091317 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 00:57
0000091317 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000091319 [app] INFO: Battery state: charged, SoC: 100.00
0000097916 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2
0000097919 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, searching (2)
0000101117 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CEREG?
0000101166 [ncp.at] TRACE: < +CEREG: 2,2
0000101168 [app.help] INFO: EPS network (CEREG) Status: not registered, searching (2)
0000101166 [ncp.at] TRACE: < OK
0000101317 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 01:07
0000101317 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000101319 [app] INFO: Battery state: charged, SoC: 100.00
0000101388 [app.help] INFO: No compatible carriers found (searching for 01:00)
0000111317 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to cellular 01:17
0000111317 [app] INFO: Power source: USB Host
0000111319 [app] INFO: Battery state: charged, SoC: 100.00

I have been trying to connect using both Vodaphone and Spark SIM cards, although the Boron gets stuck flashing Green. Was wondering how did it get along with you guys.

(Note: 0000040770 [ncp.at] TRACE: > AT+CGDCONT=1,“IP”,"#########" → That is me having edited the log. I am using a custom APN with which we are already sending data through other dev boards.)


Hi Joseph, I did manage to fix it. It has to do with UMNOPROF - (Mobile Network Operator PROfile). By default it is set to ‘2’ which is AT&T. You have to change to Telstra - ‘4’ for Spark SIM card here in NZ. I flashed the below code to change the profile. It works with Device OS 2.0.2 as well, so you can update it to the latest. Let me know if it works.

SerialLogHandler logHandler(LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
Serial1LogHandler logHandler1(115200, LOG_LEVEL_ALL);

void setup() {


int mnoProf = 4; // Telstra UMNOPROF 
Cellular.command(1000,"AT+COPS=2\r\n");  // Deregister module from network
Cellular.command(1000,"AT+UMNOPROF=%d,1\r\n", mnoProf); // Set UMNOPROF to value 4 (Telstra)
Cellular.command(1000,"AT+UMNOPROF?\r\n"); // Check if the value has changed?
Cellular.command(1000,"AT+CFUN=15\r\n"); // Restart the modem
Log.log("UMNOPROF Setting Done!");


void loop() {

1 Like

Hi Karthik,

Thanks for the reply. It worked!

(Small correction to that line,

Cellular.command(1000,"AT+UMNOPROF=%d,1\r\n", mnoProf); // Set UMNOPROF to value 4 (Telstra)

the ‘1’ after %d is unnecessary. The extra 1 would default the UMNOPROF back to 0.)

Cellular.command(1000,"AT+UMNOPROF=%d\r\n", mnoProf); // Set UMNOPROF to value 4 (Telstra)


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