20 minutes hardware watchdog

Hi there,

I have another question for this great community for my project. This time, it is regarding hardware timer/watchdog. I have had a couple of freezes on my Photons, so I am looking to implement a hardware timer/watchdog to reset it in case it freezes. I have tried the application watchdog, but it has never seem to work for me as it has never reset the Photon when it was supposed to/when I thought it should have do so, hence why I am looking at hardware timer/watchdog. I was glad to see that there is STM32FXX available in the Photon that can do exactly what I want, but its duration seems to be limited to 65,535 milliseconds, which is just over a minute and I would need a duration in the 20 minutes at least, because my Photon can sleep for up to 15 minutes. Any thoughts on what I could use to achieve that? I have tried my Google powers and couldn’t come up with anything.

Thanks a lot in advance,

Hi Bertrand @dbblackdiamond ,

have you seen this thread? They talk about a watchdog and I think they mention it runs up to 2 hours.
Maybe that’s one valid option for you?