When creating a product, you get asked a bunch of questions in the configuration section:
Are those bullets (like How to: Devices talking directly to your DBs) supposed to be links?
ping @jeiden
When creating a product, you get asked a bunch of questions in the configuration section:
Are those bullets (like How to: Devices talking directly to your DBs) supposed to be links?
ping @jeiden
Hey @gusgonnet,
Thanks for the question. Quite honestly, the product configuration page has become outdated and we are likely to deprecate it soon. This particular question, as well as most questions on this page, have no load-bearing effect on your fleet.
The only question that does have an impact is the one about “unrecognized devices” that changes how these devices are quarantined or auto-approved, based on your setting.
Hope this helps,
Thank you Jeff!
Hello Jeff,
We are currently in the development phase for a IoT consumer product and currently in the beta phase. From what we are hearing from our beta testers is that they would like people living in their household to be able to control the device.
The way we are thinking in going around about this is by giving the ability to the primary account holder to invite family/friends and give them access to control the device. I remember there used to be a setting on the product setup page that mentions something like that.
I was wondering how can we go about it now … happy to take this conversation over a conference call with you if that will be more convenient and to give you more details.