First off, I'm loving web hooks. They are a great way to increase the capabilities of each project.
I noticed this in the documentation:
These properties will all be strings except for published_at, which is an ISO8601 date formatted string, which tends to be in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ
I was wondering if support for non-string data types is in the works? It would be very helpful to have numbers (int and float) and bool values in addition to strings.
Thanks for asking! I’m working on webhooks this sprint, and I’m hoping to finally close out this issue as well. I’ll post here when I have more to share!
Any further progress. Looking to post to directly to Firebase, but I’ll need some kind of intermediary unless I can get the template variables to be numbers.
Sorry about the delay, I implemented a new feature in webhooks to address this, “data_types”, but I’ve handed that project off to @jeiden and @bryce, so it’ll be up to them to document and release that feature in the near future.