@joearkay, can you post your updated webhook so we can see where it stands now?
@peekay123 this is a local issue I think. The webhook works fine when I write the json manually. I have done a Serial.println() on the json that includes concatenated variables.
This string:
String publishString = "{\"ty\":" + type + ",\"u\":" + uuid + ",\"n\":" + name + ",\"sy\":" + sysID + ",\"sh\":" + sID + ",\"d\":" + subType + ",\"c\":" + cType + ",\"l\":" + location + ",\"ti\":" + tStamp + "}";
with these variables:
String type = "\"Alarm\"";
String uuid;
String name = "\"testAlert\"";
String sysID = "\"testLocation\"";
String sID = "\"testShId\"";
String subType = "\"not\"";
String cType = "\"testAlarm\"";
String location = "\"Global\"";
String tStamp = "\"00-00-0000\""; //need to change this later
String buff(key.returnUUID()); //converting uuid to a string
uuid = "\"" + buff + "\"";
Only yields this on 'Serial.println(publishString)'
which is the same as what I get to the Particle cloud, which means it’s an issue with this string concatenation.
@joearkay, you may want to ditch the String stuff and use a char array along with sprintf() to build the string.
@peekay123 I feared as much I hate char arrays, I’ll give that a go, thanks!
That’s a bit like: “I’ll rather stick with my tricycle because I hate motor bikes”
Once you got the hang of the latter, they are way more fun
But char arrays are also safer
I know, I know
Thanks for the help gents! I’ll give it a go today