waitFor setup Photon

Hi guys :slight_smile:

My current setup with my photon looks like this:

WiFi.setCredentials(SSID, PASSWORD);
waitFor(WiFi.ready, 60000);

What would happen, if we have no wifi connection = after 60 sec the device will jump to Particle.connect(); which will not be successful because of no Wifi signal. Will it block the code until it get’s a connection to the particle cloud? Or will it jump to loop but still try to establish a connection?

AFAIK, calling Particle.connect() will call WiFi.connect() and can block depending on whether you have the system thread enabled.

I think you should specify what you want the photon to do if the WiFi connection is not established within 60 seconds.

if (!waitFor(WiFi.ready, 60000))
// The code in this block will execute if the waitFor times out
// Maybe sleep the photon?

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From photon Reference:
Functions should return 0/false to indicate waiting, or non-zero/true to stop waiting. bool or int are valid return types. If a complex expression is required, a separate function should be created to evaluate that expression.

in case that your void setup () looks like that:

void setup () {
WiFi.setCredentials(SSID, PASSWORD);
waitFor(WiFi.ready, 60000);

waitFor(WiFi.ready, 60000); will do nothing.
You should wrap waitFor() with some "If" and "else" statement and then, depends what waitFor() returns, make next steps.
Also for waitFor() you should have SYSTEM_THREAD(ENABLED) and also consider SEMI_AUTOMATIC too


I’m using SYSTEM_THREAD(ENABLED). If the photon isn’'t able to connect to the wifi within 60 sec it should jump to void loop and just as normal run the loop but still retry to get a wifi connection