Using WebHooks to Link to Web Services, I thought I had this figured out

I am looking to connect my Electrons to more web services and, after figuring out Ubidots and WeatherUnderground, I thought I had a methodology:

  1. Understand the structure of the POST or GET using CURL commands from my Mac.
  2. Test sending a POST or GET using Postman confirming datapoint creation and examining the response structure.
  3. Validate the JSON payload and the response template using @rickkas7 's mustache tester and redirect to a URL to see the JSON Payload.
  4. Build a Webhook using a JSON template and build the web hook using the command line tools
  5. Finally, add the publish and subscribe lines to my code providing the values needed for each variable.

I have tried this approach with - a very cool and flexible web service for serial data streaming and data analysis and visualization and ran into a roadblock at step 5. Here is what I have and I would appreciate any advice on how to do this better.

  1. Here is the structure I plan to use to send multiple variables in one POST. This CURL command works:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Device-Token: YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" -X POST -d '[{"variable": "SoilTemp","unit":"F","value":"72"}, {"variable":"Watering","value":"5","metadata": {"Context":"Watering"}} ,{"variable":"Moisture","value":"550"}]'
  1. Using Postman, I was able to send data consistently and got the following response from
{"status":true,"result":"3 Data Added"}
  1. The Mustache tester validated the JSON payload. Structure and here is the full request with the target:
    Here is the web hook structure I created:
  "event": "Tago_hook",
  "url": "",
  "headers": {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "X-Auth-Token": "My Token"
  "requestType": "POST",
  "mydevices": true,
  "noDefaults": true,
      "variable": "SoilTemp",
      }, {
	    "metadata": {"Context":"{{context}}"}
      } , {

Here are he lines of code I added to publish the web hook:

  snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "{\"Moisture\":%i, \"Watering\":%i, \"Context\":\"%s\", \"SoilTemp\":%i}",capValue, wateringMinutes, wateringContext, soilTemp);

And here is what I get when I inspect the bin:
POST /1n6m6ix1  application/x-www-form-urlencoded
 0 bytes 34s ago  


Connect-Time: 1
Via: 1.1 vegur
X-Auth-Token: My Token
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0
Cf-Ipcountry: US
Cf-Visitor: {"scheme":"https"}
Cf-Ray: 3968a415da9e56cf-IAD
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Total-Route-Time: 0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: ParticleBot/1.1 (
X-Request-Id: 76b9fa19-c10f-49a7-9bf8-e73c5009a547


Note that the JSON body of this Webhook is empty.

Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong? I suspect this is an issue where the Webhook is not processing the JSON body correctly - but why?



Is your data array big enough?
Have you confirmed that data does actually contain the full JSON?
Can you post the event log from ?


Thank you for taking a look. On your questions:

  1. Not sure, how do I set the size of my data array?

  2. Yes, I am sending the same data as I send in the Ubidots publish command.

  char data[256];                                         // Store the date in this character array - not global
  snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "{\"Moisture\":%i, \"Watering\":%i, \"key1\":\"%s\", \"SoilTemp\":%i}",capValue, wateringMinutes, wateringContext, soilTemp);
  Particle.publish("AquaMaster_hook", data , PRIVATE);
  1. Yes, please see below, as you can see, the data is being sent according to the console, but is not being received by

As you can see, this same data is being successfully sent to Ubidots.

Any suggestions welcomed.



This already is the answer :wink:

That should do (unless wateringContext breaks the limits)

It would help if you could expand the event line for Tago_hook or AquaMaster_hook and post the full content of it - especially the payload.

But one thing that strikes me is the absence of the double quotes around the numeric values. JSON templates need these to render a valid JSON on each step of the substitution & parsing process.


Sorry, I thought there was a setting for the size of the Webhook from Particle to the web-service. Yes, I believe that 256 characters is enough for the data string.

So, you can see the AquaMaster and Tago hooks side by side here. Again, not sure why the data does not make it to

Thank you for your help


Try this

  snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "{\"Moisture\":\"%i\", \"Watering\":\"%i\", \"key1\":\"%s\", \"SoilTemp\":\"%i\"}",capValue, wateringMinutes, wateringContext, soilTemp);


No joy. I think you are right about the quote marks around the values but, this data is getting stripped by the Particle Webhook process. Otherwise, I would see it in

Is there a step I can take to show what Particle does with the data from the Particle.publish call and the output of the Webhook - an error or event log?


I tried this out and got this



xxx: 1

User-Agent: ParticleBot/1.1 (
Content-Length: 519
Connection: close
Cf-Ipcountry: US
Via: 1.1 vegur
Total-Route-Time: 0
Cf-Ray: 398211bd2d6957a1-IAD
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Cf-Visitor: {"scheme":"https"}
Connect-Time: 1
X-Request-Id: 79bc4584-61d2-4426-8cdb-7a7fb42174b6
Accept: application/json

{"event":"Tago_hook","data":"{\"Moisture\":\"123\", \"Watering\":\"15\", \"key1\":\"someText\", \"SoilTemp\":\"23\"}","published_at":"2017-09-02T17:08:05.259Z","coreid":"<....>","json":[{"value":"23","unit":"F","variable":"SoilTemp"},{"metadata":{"Context":""},"value":"15","variable":"Watering"},{"value":"123","variable":"Moisture"}],"noDefaults":true,"mydevices":true,"requestType":"POST","headers":{"X-Auth-Token":"My Token","Content-Type":"application/json"},"url":"<...>"}
1 Like


Yes, that is what I am going for. What am I doing wrong? Here is my full code:

 * Project AquaMaster
 * Description: Watering program for the back deck
 * Author: Chip McClelland
 * Date: 7/18/17
 // Wiring for Chirp (Board/Assign/Cable) - Red/Vcc/Orange, Black/GND/Green, Blue/SCL/Green&White, Yellow/SDA/Orange&White

STARTUP(WiFi.selectAntenna(ANT_EXTERNAL));      // continually switches at high speed between antennas

// Software Release lets me know what version the Particle is running

// Included Libraries
#include <I2CSoilMoistureSensor.h>          // Apollon77's Chirp Library:

// Function Prototypes
I2CSoilMoistureSensor sensor;               // For the Chirp sensor

// Constants for Pins
const int solenoidPin = D2;                 // Pin that controls the MOSFET that turn on the water
const int blueLED = D7;                     // Used for debugging, can see when water is ON
const int donePin = D6;                     // Pin the Electron uses to "pet" the watchdog
const int wakeUpPin = A7;                   // This is the Particle Electron WKP pin

// Watering Variables
unsigned long oneMinuteMillis = 60000;      // For Testing the system and smaller adjustments
int shortWaterMinutes = 1;                  // Short watering cycle
int longWaterMinutes = 5;                   // Long watering cycle - must be shorter than watchdog interval!
int wateringMinutes = 0;                    // How long will we water based on time or Moisture
int startWaterHour = 5;                     // When can we start watering
int stopWaterHour = 8;                      // When do we stop for the day
int wateringNow = 0;                        // Status - watering?
int waterEnabled = 1;                       // Allows you to disable watering from the app or Ubidots
float expectedRainfallToday = 0;            // From Weather Underground Simple Forecast qpf_allday

// Measurement Variables
char Signal[17];                            // Used to communicate Wireless RSSI and Description
char* levels[6] = {"Poor", "Low", "Medium", "Good", "Very Good", "Great"};
char Rainfall[5];                           // Report Rainfall preduction
int capValue = 0;                           // This is where we store the soil moisture sensor raw data
int soilTemp = 0;                           // Soil Temp is measured 3" deep
char capDescription[13];                    // Characterize using a map function
char Moisture[15];                          // Combines description and capValue

// Time Period Variables
int currentPeriod = 0;                      // Change length of period for testing 2 places in main loop
int lastWateredPeriod = 0;                  // So we only wanter once an hour
int lastWateredDay = 0;                     // Need to reset the last watered period each day
int currentDay = 0;                         // Updated so we can tell which day we last watered

// Control Variables
const char* releaseNumber = SOFTWARERELEASENUMBER;  // Displays the release on the menu
volatile bool doneEnabled = true;           // This enables petting the watchdog
int lastWateredPeriodAddr = 0;              // Where I store the last watered period in EEPROM
int lastWateredDayAddr = 0;
char wateringContext[25];                   // Why did we water or not sent to Ubidots for context
float rainThreshold = 0.4;                  // Expected rainfall in inches which would cause us not to water

void setup() {
  pinMode(donePin,OUTPUT);                  // Allows us to pet the watchdog
  digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH);              // Pet now while we are getting set up
  digitalWrite(donePin, LOW);
  pinMode(solenoidPin,OUTPUT);              // Pin to turn on the water
  digitalWrite(solenoidPin, LOW);           // Make sure it is off
  pinMode(blueLED,OUTPUT);                  // Pin to see whether water should be on
  pinMode(wakeUpPin,INPUT_PULLDOWN);        // The signal from the watchdog is active HIGH
  attachInterrupt(wakeUpPin, watchdogISR, RISING);   // The watchdog timer will signal us and we have to respond

  Particle.variable("Watering", wateringNow);       // These variables are used to monitor the device will reduce them over time
  Particle.variable("WiFiStrength", Signal);
  Particle.variable("Moisture", Moisture);
  Particle.variable("Enabled", waterEnabled);
  Particle.variable("RainFcst", Rainfall);
  Particle.function("start-stop", startStop);       // Here are thre functions for easy control
  Particle.function("Enabled", wateringEnabled);    // I can disable watering simply here
  Particle.function("Measure", takeMeasurements);   // If we want to see Temp / Moisture values updated
  char responseTopic[125];
  String deviceID = System.deviceID();
  Particle.subscribe(responseTopic, AquaMasterHandler, MY_DEVICES);       // Subscribe to the integration response event
  Particle.subscribe("hook-response/weatherU_hook", weatherHandler, MY_DEVICES);       // Subscribe to weather response;                            // Raleigh DST (watering is for the summer)

  Wire.begin();                             // Begin to initialize the libraries and devices
  sensor.begin();                           // reset the Chrip sensor
  NonBlockingDelay(2000);                   // The sensor needs 2 seconds after reset to stabilize

  EEPROM.get(lastWateredPeriodAddr,lastWateredPeriod);    // Load the last watered period from EEPROM
  EEPROM.get(lastWateredDayAddr,lastWateredDay);          // Load the last watered day from EEPROM

void loop() {
  if (Time.hour() != currentPeriod)                       // Spring into action each hour on the hour
    Particle.publish("weatherU_hook");                    // Get the weather forcast
    NonBlockingDelay(5000);                               // Give the Weather Underground time to respond
    takeMeasurements("1");                                // Take measurements
    currentPeriod = Time.hour();                          // Set the new current period
    currentDay =;                              // Sets the current Day
    if (waterEnabled)
      if (currentPeriod >= startWaterHour && currentPeriod <= stopWaterHour)
        if ((strcmp(capDescription,"Very Dry") == 0) || (strcmp(capDescription,"Dry") == 0) || (strcmp(capDescription,"Normal") == 0))
          if (currentPeriod != lastWateredPeriod || currentDay != lastWateredDay)
            if (expectedRainfallToday <= rainThreshold)
              if (currentPeriod == startWaterHour) wateringMinutes = longWaterMinutes;  // So, the first watering is long
              else wateringMinutes = shortWaterMinutes;                                 // Subsequent are short - fine tuning
            else strcpy(wateringContext,"Heavy Rain Expected");
          else strcpy(wateringContext,"Already Watered");
        else strcpy(wateringContext,"Not Needed");
      else strcpy(wateringContext,"Not Time");
    else strcpy(wateringContext,"Not Enabled");
    Particle.publish("Watering", wateringContext);        // Update console on what we are doing
    sendToUbidots();                                      // Let Ubidots know what we are doing
  if (wateringMinutes)                                    // This IF statement waits for permission to water
    unsigned long waterTime = wateringMinutes * oneMinuteMillis;    // Set the watering duration
    wateringMinutes = 0;                                  // Reset wateringMinutes for next time
    turnOnWater(waterTime);                               // Starts the watering function

void turnOnWater(unsigned long duration)                  // Where we water the plants - critical function completes
  // We are going to use the watchdog timer to ensure this function completes successfully
  // Need a watchdog interval that is slighly longer than the longest watering cycle
  // We will pet the dog then disable petting until the end of the function
  // That way, if the Particle freezes while the water is on, it will be reset by the watchdog
  // Upon reset, the water will be turned off averting disaster
  digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH);                            // We will pet the dog now so we have the full interval to water
  digitalWrite(donePin, LOW);                             // We set the delay resistor to 50k or 7 mins so that is the longest watering duration
  // Uncomment this next line only after you are sure your watchdog timer interval is greater than watering period
  doneEnabled = false;                                    // Will suspend watchdog petting until water is turned off
  // If anything in this section hangs, the watchdog will reset the Photon
  digitalWrite(blueLED, HIGH);                            // Light on for watering
  digitalWrite(solenoidPin, HIGH);                        // Turn on the water
  wateringNow = 1;                                        // This is a Particle.variable so you can see from the app
  NonBlockingDelay(duration);                             // Delay for the watering period
  digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);                             // Turn everything off
  digitalWrite(solenoidPin, LOW);
  wateringNow = 0;
  // End mission - critical session
  doneEnabled = true;                                     // Successful response - can pet the dog again
  digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH);                            // If an interrupt came in while petting disabled, we missed it so...
  digitalWrite(donePin, LOW);                             // will pet the fdog just to be safe
  lastWateredDay = currentDay;
  lastWateredPeriod = currentPeriod;
  EEPROM.put(lastWateredPeriodAddr,currentPeriod);        // Sets the last watered period to the current one
  EEPROM.put(lastWateredDayAddr,currentDay);              // Stored in EEPROM since this issue only comes in case of a reset

void sendToUbidots()                                      // Houly update to Ubidots for serial data logging and analysis
  digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH);                            // We will pet the dog now so we have the full interval to water
  digitalWrite(donePin, LOW);                             // We set the delay resistor to 50k or 7 mins so that is the longest watering duration
  // Uncomment this next line only after you are sure your watchdog timer interval is greater than the Ubidots response period (about 5 secs)
  doneEnabled = false;                                    // Turns off watchdog petting - only a successful response will re-enable
  char data[256];                                         // Store the date in this character array - not global
  snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "{\"Moisture\":%i, \"Watering\":%i, \"key1\":\"%s\", \"SoilTemp\":%i}",capValue, wateringMinutes, wateringContext, soilTemp);
  Particle.publish("AquaMaster_hook", data , PRIVATE);
  snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "{\"Moisture\":\"%i\", \"Watering\":\"%i\", \"key1\":\"%s\", \"SoilTemp\":\"%i\"}",capValue, wateringMinutes, wateringContext, soilTemp);
  NonBlockingDelay(1000);                                 // Makes sure we are spacing out our Particle.publish requests

int startStop(String command)                             // So we can manually turn on the water for testing and setup
  if (command == "1")
    wateringMinutes = shortWaterMinutes;                  // Manual waterings are short
    strcpy(wateringContext,"User Initiated");             // Add the right context for publishing
    Particle.publish("Watering", wateringContext);        // Update console on what we are doing
    sendToUbidots();                                      // Let Ubidots know what we are doing
    return 1;
  else if (command == "0")                                // This allows us to turn off the water at any time
    digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);                           // Turn off light
    digitalWrite(solenoidPin, LOW);                       // Turn off water
    wateringNow = 0;                                      // Update Particle.variable
    Particle.publish("Watering","Done");                  // publish
    return 1;
    Serial.print("Got here but did not work: ");          // Just in case - never get here
    return 0;

int wateringEnabled(String command)                       // If I sense something is amiss, I can easily disable watering
    if (command == "1")                                   // Default - enabled
      waterEnabled = 1;
      return 1;
    else if (command == "0")                              // Ensures no watering will occur
      waterEnabled = 0;
      return 1;
    else                                                  // Never get here but if we do, let's be safe and disable
      waterEnabled = 0;
      return 0;

int takeMeasurements(String command)                      // Allows me to monitor variables between normal hourly updates
  if (command == "1")                                   // Take a set of measurements
    getMoisture();                                      // Test soil Moisture
    getWiFiStrength();                                  // Get the WiFi Signal strength
    soilTemp = int(sensor.getTemperature()/(float)10);  // Get the Soil temperature
    return 1;
  else                                                  // In case something other than "1" is entered
    return 0;

int getWiFiStrength()
    int wifiRSSI = WiFi.RSSI();
    if (wifiRSSI > 0) {
        sprintf(Signal, "Error");
    }else {
        int strength = map(wifiRSSI, -127, -1, 0, 5);
        sprintf(Signal, "%s: %d", levels[strength], wifiRSSI);
    return 1;

void getMoisture()                                        // Here we get the soil moisture and characterize it to see if watering is needed
  capValue = sensor.getCapacitance();                     // capValue is typically between 300 and 700
  char capValueString[4];                                 // Create a char arrray and load with the capValue for later string formation
  int strength = map(capValue, 400, 520, 0, 5);           // Map - these values to cases that will use words that are easier to understand
  switch (strength)                                       // Main loop watering logic is based on capDescription not the capValue
    case 0:
      strcpy(capDescription,"Very Dry");
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
      strcpy(capDescription,"Very Wet");
    case 5:
      strcpy(capDescription,"Out of Range");              // I tweak the range to match normal values - need to see if not in range
  strcat(Moisture,": ");
  strcat(Moisture,capValueString);                        // Assemble the string that will be published
  Particle.publish("Moisture Level", Moisture);

void NonBlockingDelay(int millisDelay)                    // Used for a non-blocking delay - will allow for interrrupts and Particle calls
  unsigned long commandTime = millis();
  while (millis() <= millisDelay + commandTime)
    Particle.process();                                   // This ensures that we can still service Particle processes

void weatherHandler(const char *event, const char *data)  // Extracts the expected rainfall for today from webhook response
  // Uses forecast JSON for Raleigh-Durham Airport
  // Response template gets current date and qpf_allday
  // Only look at the current day
  // JSON payload - key)/forecast/q/nc/raleigh-durham.json
  // Response Template: "{{#forecast}}{{#simpleforecast}}{{#forecastday}}{{}}~{{}}~{{/forecastday}}{{/simpleforecast}}{{/forecast}}"
  if (!data) {                                            // First check to see if there is any data
    Particle.publish("Weather", "No Data");
  char strBuffer[30] = "";                                // Create character array to hold response
  strcpy(strBuffer,data);                                 // Copy into the array
  int forecastDay = atoi(strtok(strBuffer, "\"~"));       // Use the delimiter to find today's date and expected Rainfall
  expectedRainfallToday = atof(strtok(NULL, "~"));

void AquaMasterHandler(const char *event, const char *data)  // Looks at the response from Ubidots - Will reset Photon if no successful response
  // Response Template: "{{watering.0.status_code}}"
  if (!data) {                                            // First check to see if there is any data
    Particle.publish("UbidotsResp", "No Data");
  int responseCode = atoi(data);                          // Response is only a single number thanks to Template
  if ((responseCode == 200) || (responseCode == 201))
    doneEnabled = true;                                   // Successful response - can pet the dog again
    digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH);                          // If an interrupt came in while petting disabled, we missed it so...
    digitalWrite(donePin, LOW);                           // will pet the dog just to be safe
  else Particle.publish("UbidotsHook", data);             // Publish the response code

void watchdogISR()                                        // Will pet the dog ... if petting is allowed
  if (doneEnabled)                                        // the doneEnabled is used for Ubidots and Watering to prevent lockups
    digitalWrite(donePin, HIGH);                          // This is all you need to do to pet the dog low to high transition
    digitalWrite(donePin, LOW);

and the JSON file that I used to create the webHook (switch target URL between Request.bin and Tago for testing):

  "event": "Tago_hook",
  "url": "",
  "headers": {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "X-Auth-Token": "My Key"
  "requestType": "POST",
  "mydevices": true,
  "noDefaults": true,
      "variable": "SoilTemp",
      }, {
	    "metadata": {"key1":"{{context}}"}
      } , {

Any help would be appreciated.



I think you would be better off switching over to Losant because it’s easier to get data off the Particle/Electron to their service, and you can do a lot in the workflow engine and send it to your device if you want.

Their official setup guide is available now: Official Losant + Particle Setup Toutorial

Here is a tutorial for how to pull in weather inside of Losant and then display it on your dashboard or send it to your Particle device if you wish.

I promise it’s more advanced than


I have looked at Losant and will try them as well. I started this before the tutorial for Losant came out.

My hope in doing this is to learn - and share - a general approach for using Webhooks for the various different services that are out there. I thought I had it after Ubidots but, this experience shows me that I have a lot more to learn about Webhooks.

I have to imagine that these issues are general and not specific to


I just know you’ll probably love it once you give it a try so I keep nudging you in that direction :smile:

I’d be surprised if you didn’t like it better than the other options.

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