I have successfully used the Sparkfun U-blox GNSS v3 library to create an NTRIP device on an ESP32 using example 17. I am trying to do the same with a Boron using the LTE connection directly. The example creates a wifi object but there is not a wifi library available in the Particle Library repository. I also cannot edit the libraries, which I think is intentional.
The Particle NTRIP library only has provision to connect and get the mountpoint list. There is no .write or .print method to send NMEA GGA sentences.
Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated. Thanks!
The main goal is to use the Boron as a standalone NTRIP client to use with either u-blox or an Oxford RT.
This isn't a complete answer to your question, however:
However example 17 in that library is Geofence, so I think you're using a different library, but I didn't see an obvious answer to which one.
In any case, that's how you modify a library.
To clarify Example 17 in the ZED-9FP folder. I will look into the Particle Workbench. I have been using the online IDE.
Also, the Particle version of the Sparkfun u-blox library has just boiler plate code for the main .cpp and .h files. Would be nice is someone could fix that and convert the wifi references to work with LTE.
The community libraries are contributed by the community and are difficult to keep up-to-date as people come and go. It's easier just to grab the source from Github and use it directly in Workbench.
That example 17 makes more sense and it should mostly be replacing WiFiClient with TCPClient and removing the SSID stuff and it may just work.
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