When using the Adafruit BLE app it sees the device as a UART capable device which is great but continues to show a device name of Argon-X3JDSM, not Test. Could this be a caching issue on iOS or am I needing to do something additional to get the same to set properly?
Interestingly the local name shows up in the detail on the advertisement but does not affect the displayed name in the Adafruit app. Again maybe a caching issue.
Yup, I also think it’s a caching issue with the app.
I use nRF Connect App and that reports the device with the set local name while the Bluefruit App still reports the first name it saw of said device.
I’m using one of Ricks new BLE Serial Libraries and in setup all I have is what is below. I just wondering if I add the &data to the bleSerial.advertise() if it will change the data I’m sending out or if that will only change the Local Name that is Advertised? I’ll give it a try. If I’m missing anything let me know please.
appendLocalName() is not that different to appendServiceUUID() which Rick has mentioned in his post
With appendLocalName() you are not adding another service but the name.
However, you need to bundle the BLE UART UUID and the name into a "shared" set of advertising data and then advertise that bundle the standardBLE.advertise() way.
That's where the curiosity to understand how it works beats just being conent with prefab solutions
I have modified Ricks latest example and it’s working just fine as far as pushing out the data I want. I only want to change the Device localname that shows up.
I can see how we can easily change the UART UUID and it sounds like you saying I can’t change the Local name without also adding the BLESerial UUID? Am I understanding you correctly?
The UUID is not called but automatically set to UART Serial in Ricks example so to change the Local name am I required to add the recommended BLESerial UUID that is being used automatically when we just call:
@iitgrad Did the new Local BLE name you programmed show up correctly on apps when it was the first time recognizing the BLE device where it’s previous advertised name was not already saved?
I’ve tried various things recommended above but the default ARGON-xxxxx name remains as the device name when scanned by BLE applications.
Did you ever figure this out?
@ScruffR Were you able get this to work for yourself so it shows up with your customized name on your phone?
I haven't tried it, but the previous statements came from my understanding of how advertising works
You have only one set of advertising data you can tell the BLE hardware to advertise, hence it has to contain all info you want to advertise and all services as well as the local name and potentially custom data.
For the sake of advertising it's quite irrelevant whether you want to bundle the bleSerial service with another service or a local name or a custom data block.
You just have one instance of BleAdvertisingData to pass to BLE.advertise() and bleSerial.advertise() does not take any parameters, hence you can't just hand it a BleAdvertisingData instance that only contains the local name.
For Rick's statement in your screenshot:
That portion you undlerlined in green has to be read in connection with the comment // append your own service UUIDs here
If you don't want any services added but a name (which Rick didn't explicitly state but the common pattern should be self-explanatory) you'd replace that comment with data.addLocalName("yourDesiredName");
To break it down
BleAdvertisingData data; // prepare a fresh/empty advertising data instance
data.appendLocalName("yourDesiredName"); // give the device a name to advertise (can be anywhere in the bundle)
data.appendServiceUUID(bleSerial.getServiceUuid()); // add the UUID that is created by the bleSerial object
// optionally add any additional service UUIDs
// optionally add any custom data you want (if it still fits)
BLE.advertise(&data); // tell BLE to advertise all of the above
I’m kinda confused but think I get that what your saying about the BLE Data Burst has to contain the Serial UART Data + the LocalName Data.
Based on @iitgrad 's example that he says worked for him I feel as if the code below would be the minimum required to only change the BLE Local Name? Is that right?
I loaded it but didn’t see the Local Name Change and didn’t see it in the iOS nRF app but I was having issues with the iOS version in previous testing. Maybe it is working and its a App or caching issue where the old Local Name is still stored.
If the UUID is required to be added for Serial BLE to also be broadcast then I would think the code should look like below where the UUID has been added:
Not quite the way you formulate it there
You need to add/append the UUID in order to advertise the UART service.
You need to add/append the Local Name in order to tell the outer world about the name.
And you need to do both when you want both things advertised simultaneously.
On holiday you don't need to pack your swim shorts in order to have your passport with you but if you want to go swimming it would be good to pack them anyway
If so what is exactly required when I’m just using Serial UART and Changing the Local Name? I see @iitgrad Added txCharacteristic() + RxCharacteristic() but I’m not sure if that required when using Ricks New BLE Serial UART library?
I think what is confusing me is that I’m not seeing what is being set in the background when I’m just running the code below which sends and receives Serial BLE data perfectly. In the example below none of the addCharacteristic’s or data.Append functions need to be added or called.
Now when all I want to do is change the BLE Local Name I have to start adding Characteristics + data.append the added characteristic’s. It just feels like it’s getting more complicated than it needs to be.
I’m trying to just keep it simple for the sake of the code and for the sake of my understanding.
#include "BleSerialPeripheralRK.h"
SerialLogHandler logHandler;
// First parameter is the transmit buffer size, second parameter is the receive buffer size
BleSerialPeripheralStatic<256, 256> bleSerial;
const unsigned long TRANSMIT_PERIOD_MS = 1000;
unsigned long lastTransmit = 0;
int counter = 0;
void setup() {
// This must be called from setup()!
// If you don't have any other services to advertise, just call advertise().
// Otherwise, call getServiceUuid() to get the serial service UUID and add that to your
// custom advertising data payload and call BLE.advertise() yourself with all of your necessary
// services added.
BleAdvertisingData data;
// take control of the LED to turn it off to lowest power operation. Prevents LED from lighting up on every wake.
// scales brightness of all three colors, 0-255.
// the following sets the RGB LED brightness to 25%:
void loop() {
// This must be called from loop() on every call to loop.
// Print out anything we receive
if(bleSerial.available()) {
String s = bleSerial.readString();
Log.info("received: %s", s.c_str());
if (millis() - lastTransmit >= TRANSMIT_PERIOD_MS) {
lastTransmit = millis();
// Every two seconds, send something to the other side
bleSerial.printlnf("Bat V %d, I %d, W %d / Solar V %d, I %d, W %d", counter,counter,counter,counter,counter, counter);
Log.info("counter=%d", counter++);
That shouldn't be required as all that should be done by the bleSerial.setup() call.
However, I was going to put all the theory into practice and found that something seems to be fishy.
The UUIDs for service and characteristics don't seem to be advertised (not even with bleSerial.advertise().
I had accidentally left this added line in that code above.
This line was removed from Ricks example code: BleAdvertisingData data;
I’m running exactly what’s below.
#include "BleSerialPeripheralRK.h"
SerialLogHandler logHandler;
// First parameter is the transmit buffer size, second parameter is the receive buffer size
BleSerialPeripheralStatic<256, 256> bleSerial;
const unsigned long TRANSMIT_PERIOD_MS = 1000;
unsigned long lastTransmit = 0;
int counter = 0;
void setup() {
// This must be called from setup()!
// If you don't have any other services to advertise, just call advertise().
// Otherwise, call getServiceUuid() to get the serial service UUID and add that to your
// custom advertising data payload and call BLE.advertise() yourself with all of your necessary
// services added.
// take control of the LED to turn it off to lowest power operation. Prevents LED from lighting up on every wake.
// scales brightness of all three colors, 0-255.
// the following sets the RGB LED brightness to 25%:
void loop() {
// This must be called from loop() on every call to loop.
// Print out anything we receive
if(bleSerial.available()) {
String s = bleSerial.readString();
Log.info("received: %s", s.c_str());
if (millis() - lastTransmit >= TRANSMIT_PERIOD_MS) {
lastTransmit = millis();
// Every two seconds, send something to the other side
bleSerial.printlnf("Bat V %d, I %d, W %d / Solar V %d, I %d, W %d", counter,counter,counter,counter,counter, counter);
Log.info("counter=%d", counter++);