Using a Spark Core to connect an Acoustic Guitar to the Internet

My Parallellas arrived today, Zync 7020 (dual Cortex A9s plus a Kintex 7 FPGA equivalent), 16 x Ephinany Risc, plus 1 gig ethernet and 1gig ram, plus sd. Times five for a combined 90 CPU cluster.

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Iā€™m still waiting for them to take back-orders!!!

Hi @pra,

It looks like the link for the PDF you posted for this project fell offline, any chance you could share it again? :slight_smile:


Sorry about that. Here is the link back for Connecting an Acoustic Guitar to the Internet using a Spark Core


Although this no longer involves a Spark Core there was a fair amount of interest in this project at the time. For those still interested, you can download my latest document here. Just click the download button when the Space Monkey page opens in your browser,