Unable to connect to spark cloud 404 error from spark-io npm module trying to access "endpoint" [ Solved ]


I’m having an issue detailed over in the Github issues block for the spark-io npm module.

The issue seems to be that the module is trying to access the “endpoint” endpoint which appears to no longer exist:


I CAN connect and retrieve variables via spark-cli, so I know my hardware setup is correct.

I’m not able to find a deprecation of this in spark-cli or spark-server (even though it’s new).

I’d love to submit a patch for the spark-io npm module if I knew what it should be directed to.

Are others having this issue?


Hi @kevinold,

That variable is coming from the firmware loaded on your core. Make sure you have the voodoospark binary loaded with:

spark flash my_core voodoospark


Thanks. Seems that might be the piece of the stack I missed. I’ll flash the latest and see if that fixes.

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Yep, updating voodoospark fixed the issue.

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Great thanks!
