It is a good idea to have pull-ups (100K to 3V3) on everything but the clock. Also, how long are the wires? SPI really needs to be on a PCB probably maximum 15cm if wires. The comments from @Scruffr - agreed you have master as SPI_MODE_SLAVE!
SS is an entirely free choice since with multiple devices on the same bus you must choose different ones anyway.
I understand that - just suggesting some changes.
Because SPI does not support slave mode on Gen3 devices.
On Gen 3 devices (Argon, Boron, and Xenon), SPI slave can only be used on SPI1.
Mea Culpa. Thanks for pointing that out, clearly I wasn't aware.
While you can try that, SPI shouldnot require pull-ups - it’s not I2C. If they are needed I’d rather suspect an issue with the SPI implementation.
Understand your point, I have been told that best practice is to implement pull-ups to ensure speed of bus. Clearly given the short wires used here this isn't the issue.