Hi there
I am trying to resolve a problem on a bigger program, so i tested my issue with a smaller one.
My test program is below:
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
unsigned long now;
char publishString[64];
void setup()
void loop()
now = millis();
if (lastTime == 0 || ((now - lastTime) > 15000)) {
sprintf(publishString, "{\"lastTime\":%u}", lastTime);
Spark.publish("Time ", publishString);
lastTime = now;
As I understand and my intention is that I should get millis value at start when lastTime is still 0, and then every 15 seconds.
What I get is different:
There is 15 seconds between 7004 and 22005, but why do I receive last time value at 7 seconds, and why not at 15 seconds and then 30. Does it take 7 seconds for publish() function?