I've searched a lot, but to no avail. I've been trying to use the Adafruit HX8357 TFT LCD display for some time now and I'm out of ideas. Nothing seems to work - the display powers up to a dead, white screen, and then nothing happens.
Here's some specifics:
I'm using the SPI side of the display. I know that the display and solders are good, because the display works fine when used with my Arduino Uno.
I am running at 5V, sometimes 4.8-ish. I keep a 1000uF 16V capacitor in my breadboard power bus as a filter.
I'm using the Adafruit_HX8357 and Adafruit_mfGFX libraries, and I'm attempting to run the GraphicsTest.ino example file included in the HX8357 library.
I'm really confused. I've used the ILI9341 display with no problem, but the project requires a larger display. I thought for sure with an SPI interface and a web IDE library that this was a perfect choice, but now I'm starting to second guess myself.
Hopefully I'm doing something incredibly obviously wrong that I'm not aware of, but you are!
Despite the fact that you didn’t have any trouble with the very same display on Arduino, I’m still asking these questions
Have you bridged the bridged the IM2 jumper at the bottom of the board or are you alternatively pulling the IM2 pin to 3V3?
How have you got the RST pin connected? Or have you got it open (which would be fine too)?
Have you got the CSS pin open, to avoid a possibly present SD card to interfere with the TFT SPI?
Bridged the IM2 Jumper, RST is open, CCS is open. The only pins on the HX8357 I’m using are the ones mentioned above, and 5V/GND.
ScruffR, I was really hoping you’d help Thanks for the library BTW!
Edit: I’m gonna re-heat and reflow the solder on the IM2 jumper. No other hardware thing I’ve thought of makes any sense, at least it’s something.
And they included pictures of it working. I took great pains to study those pictures to be sure about the connections I’m using, and as far as I know they match the hardware SPI connections on the Core.
I’ve dug around in the library a bit, but I’m still kind of a newb at all of this even after three years. One thing I did was fork the ILI9341 library (Which works perfectly for me on my other display) and change its size definitions to match the HX8357. That works… very, very, very badly. Lots of noise, and very unpredictable. Not only that, using the mod I made seemed to make the Core less stable, so I stopped using it and did a factory reset. Instead I re-focused my efforts on getting this library to work - I mean, teeming dozens of core users implement this library, why can’t I?
Anyway, I don’t think I’m at the point where I can port a library myself. Just fiddling with one was pretty intimidating. I have to use a bigger display though, so if it comes to it I’ll try… just really wanna avoid all that work if there’s any way.