I spend a bit of time trying to diagnose the issue, but can't seem to crack this nut. Does anyone have some advice? I haven't been programming for a couple years, and got back into it a few days ago for a project that I want to tackle.
Thank you for for the advice. After reading it, I realized that in the process of trying to include all the important info, I mistyped. In fact, I am using ILI9341 driver:
WRT the community library reference, can you explain? As you might guess, I have only recently joined. I tried searching for eSPI references but didn't find anything.
WRT using TFT_eSPI.begin(); Yes. I tried that and it does compile. However, if I use another method like here, I end up back nearly in the same place:
I had a bit of time and some interest to try using TFT_eSPI instead of Adafruit_GFX.
Not sure how this is meant to work as a library because the files are all there but are not being found, this is because the copy in the lib/TFT_eSPI/src folder is a sort of dummy of TFT_eSPI.h. If you copy the version of TFT_eSPI.h and .cpp in the lib folder into the /src folder then all those problems go away.
Unfortunately that's not the end of the problems - because there are Fonts and Drivers all in folders on the same level as /src aren't being found even though <>'s are being used on the #include and the folder name e.g. #include <Fonts/glcdfont.c>
I would take advice from others about why this is - and the best way to fix it.
I am not sure that this has been tested with a Photon or Photon2 as I am trying with.
I have managed to get this library to build but frankly it was originally written for ESP8266 and then modified for ESP32 and later for RPI2040. There were many (>100) type mismatches that were throwing warnings and errors with the PROGMEM use and access. At the heart of this library it uses Adafruit_GFX so really you could just try the Adafruit_GFX_RK library that will work 'out of the box'. There are some improvements around fonts and writing text to screen instead of using .print(). Depends what your needs are.
I had been using the Adafruit GFX library and it is perfectly adequate. However, I was intrigued by the examples and the potential to get some nice graphics without too much trouble. I did spend some time on this last week, but realized this was required more time than I wanted to invest in this increment.
In the meantime, I started testing a temperature barometer sensor (BMP390), but soon realized that there is potentially some issue with the Adafruit_BMP3XX library working correctly. Then, to further arrest progress, I am now having another new issue with the Photon 2 not updating its firmware - both of which appear to have existing threads.
Anyhow WRT to the original topic, once I have a baseline MVP I might circle back and look at harvesting some bits and pieces of the library for my application.